Long grass

ihatew0rk Forum Participant Posts: 84
edited November 2017 in Storage #1

First year back and first time had to use a storage facility. Does anybody else find it more than slightly annoying that storage facilities leave the grass to grow wild? I don't think it unreasonable that they could employ a sheep or mow it for £420 pa. Also not allowed to wash caravan in store, where else are you meant to do it if no access at home. Not  renewing next year. 


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,522
    10,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited November 2017 #2

    Hmm, familiar words. I hadn’t tied the two together until now. laughing

  • compass362
    compass362 Forum Participant Posts: 619
    edited November 2017 #3

    Our storage is a gold site with over 500 + units on site , the van is on hard compacted ground with an assortment of stones & crushed brick it's not ideal but serves a purpose .

    Yes we get weeds & clumps of rough grass throughout the spring/summer months but a couple of hours a year tidying the area & the odd spray of weed killer keeps it tidy & user friendly .

    I certainly wouldn't let that put me off , we have used this site several years now , as for keeping the van clean we use dry cleaner in storage (no water ) & it gets a proper clean at other times .

    Well worth peace of mind 24/7 manned with CCTV £400 per year.

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
    1,500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited November 2017 #4

    Oh, hello again laughing, yes at that price I would expect a little more for my money.

  • dmiller555
    dmiller555 Forum Participant Posts: 717
    edited November 2017 #5

    Our Gold site is 25% cheaper than the OP's and the grass is mown regularly as well as whenever we take our van out. We also have a very nice man who moves our van to and from the wash bay and cleans it for us.

  • ihatew0rk
    ihatew0rk Forum Participant Posts: 84
    edited November 2017 #6

    I thought i'd see if I got a different reaction TW & Metheven!

  • Milothedog
    Milothedog Forum Participant Posts: 1,433
    edited November 2017 #7

    Wish I only paid that sort of money. 

    Our storage is 90% under cover although mine is outside (I will get an undercover space soon apparently)  It is a Gold site with electronic barriers, CCTV and owners live on site. There is a washing bay with ladders and pressure washer, Chemical waste emptying point. EHU's included in price.  but for the privilege I pay £1100 a year surprised 

    That may sound a lot, and it is, but a lockup garage in London can be anything between £140 to £450 a month depending on the area. 

    The facility is 1 mile from J4 on the M25  so a great starting point for trips, but although its only 18 miles from my home it takes an hour just to get there on a good day.


    But the grass does get cut regularly coolcoolcool

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited November 2017 #8
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  • ihatew0rk
    ihatew0rk Forum Participant Posts: 84
    edited November 2017 #9

    Milo. I suppose it's all down to land prices as well as the facilities on ofer. Under cover would be nice but that's seriously expensive,  😲 I'm on a wait7ng list for a store with the same facilities but no ehu and not under cover for £400 p.a.

    i would presume rodent damage is possible anywhere, i had a mouse nest under the bonnet at our last house which had a gravel drive.