Outside Fridge Covers

Silly question. Do you all drive with your outside fridge covers fixed on and if so any occasion when they have fallen off? Or do you fix them on arrival and secure them inside on departure?
JVB66. That's what I had in mind to do so good to have reassurances from someone else on the same lines.
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Your fridge manual may tell you when to put on the covers - ours does. We put them on during Autumn depending on outside temperature. We haven't put them on yet. Ours have never fallen off in the many years we have used them. They clip on and are secured by a plastic screw-type catch.
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I thought they were only meant to be used in temperatures of -10 degrees or more? We tend not to go away when it's that cold!!! I do use them when the van is in the back garden overwinter and when washing the van. Our Dometic ones clip in at the top and have two turnbuckles that lock them into place at the bottom so they should be pretty secure.
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Anyone taken off the GRILL and looked behind? You will see why fitting at least the bottom one when towing in wet or dusty conditions makes a lot of sense.
And while you are in there, have someone shine a bright light around the edges while you look at the same joins inside the caravan. You may feel the need to reach for the gaffer tape!
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We live in Spain and recently had major problems with our fridge not working, so went through the usual like checking fuses, power socket but still it didn't work so took it too our local dealer in Elche. After ten minutes the engineer came out and ask if i still had the covers when i asked why he poured a cup of sand out of the bottom filter cup and said in Spain they advise to keep them on at all times till on site because the wind and rain here contains a lot of sand/dust which caused mine to stop working. Its working how it should be now with covers on most of the time and they didn't charge me for the work done. Muy Buen.
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I used to spend half my time in Spain cleaning the Sahara dust off my balcony so I can well believe it.
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That must have been some size of caravan you had to have an upstairs, never mind a balcony!!