Travel Cameras

Grandad Golfer
Grandad Golfer Forum Participant Posts: 43
edited September 2017 in Your Hobbies #1

Can't see how to post this in the Photography section so posting it in the main menu. 

As fellow travellers, could I ask a question please?

I cannot decide between the Panasonics TZ90 or TZ100 for a travel camera. I know it's one of those I want so please no "have you considered this" - yes I have. What I need is your personal experiences with them. Many thanks


  • GodivaNige
    GodivaNige Forum Participant Posts: 606
    edited September 2017 #2

    This reply may not be of much use to you, so, please forgive me as I’ve no experience of either camera.

    i used to own an earlier Panny TZ and it was a great bit of kit. Easy to use, not too complicated but has enough options for a little creativity and excellent image quality. It was perfect for quick snaps when I was out on my bike.

    Over the years, the long running TZ range has always scored very highly in tests and reviews, they have a great lens, which as any photographer will profess, is the most important part of a camera.

    As a full time professional photographer, I get asked the question an awful lot by people who know me...what compact should I buy?

    Without hesitation, I always answer with... buy a Panasonic TZ

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,178
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    edited September 2017 #3

    So you want a travel camera but what do you want to photograph on your travels. It may be Scenery, family, architecture, wildlife etc.or a combination.  Once you have answered that question perhaps the answer will become apparent.  Hope this helps

    Don't have any of the cameras you are looking at although I have a Panasonic TZ40 which I tend to leave in the car in case I see something interesting along the way.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,252
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    edited September 2017 #4

    Here is a review of both cameras side by side from Amateur Photographer if it helps.  When I decided that my Canon DSLR was getting heavy to carry around as general camera I stayed with the brand and now mainly use a Canon G16 which fits into my pocket. The Panasonic do have a good reputation so I doubt you will be disappointed whichever one you choose.


  • Runrig
    Runrig Forum Participant Posts: 186
    edited February 2018 #5

    Not been on here for a while.
    Doesn't look like I missed much.

    You have probably sorted by now, but I have the TZ100

    It is a beautiful thing and returns some stunning images with it's 1" sensor.

    However, I am disappointing with the quality of the lens at anything other than wide. I appreciate the difficulties in engineering good glass for a 1" sensor, but it really should be better than just adequate.
    The 30x lens on an old Sony HX50 knocks spots off the Panasonic.

    Also, slipperier than a bar of wet soap to hold, I improved mine with some 1mm thick neoprene sheet, around the grip and thumb point. Cut to shape even looks OEM and transforms the handling.

    The attached sample is heavily reduced and compressed, but you get the idea
    PS it was taken by my eight year old.

  • dmiller555
    dmiller555 Forum Participant Posts: 717
    edited February 2018 #6

    One small point here, a one inch sensor isn't one inch it is tiny about the size used in a mobile phone.

    Don't ask me how it can be called a "one inch" when it isn't but it is an advertising scam. 

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited February 2018 #8

     Very  nice  shot  of  the  moon  there,  Runrig Junior  wink

  • Runrig
    Runrig Forum Participant Posts: 186
    edited February 2018 #9

    Not quite.

    The TZ90 has a 1/2.3" sensor (6.4mm x 4.8mm)
    The TZ100 has a 1" sensor (13.2mm x 8.8mm)

    Good smart phones have a 1/3" sensor at best.

    The pixel area of the TZ100 is almost 6x that of an iphone7
    (That said the quality you can get off an iphone is staggering at times)

    The sizing is an approximation of the diagonal dimension of the sensor, in exactly the same way your TV or mobile screen is sized.

    The tonal quality of the larger sensor in the TZ100 is clearly apparent, but is ultimately let down by the resolution of the rather poor Leica lens, especially at 10x zoom.

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,569
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    edited February 2018 #10

    I too have a Panasonic TZ90 and absolutely love it. Go to moulesy' Costa Rica page in general discussions where I have posted some photos. These, remember are much reduced in memory size and quality is lost a little. Turn on the geo tagging function after first photo then off when at a new venue. If left on it can drain the battery, love the link to my iPad too which allows you to operate it remotely.