Inconsiderate early morning leavers
Wow, i wish i could pack everything away and be on the road in 40 minutes.
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I'm pretty sure that the vast majority of us 'dawn departers' are considerate early leavers. Recently we left site to travel to the dealership. Booked in for 8:30am. Woke up at 6:30, cup of tea in bed, ablute and away. All done from within van apart from removing EHU lead and no more than 20 seconds of engine noise I guess as I pulled off the pitch and up the drive. Often wake to empty previous night occupied pitches next to us which is proof of the considerate majority.
On the flip side I do recall at a similar time hearing next pitch neighbour's doors banging, voices, electric drills on corner-steadies, engine left running while hitching up, doors banging again, shouts about road lights working and then excessive revving and much crunching of gravel on leaving, took about twenty minutes, by then I was wide awake!
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Its not the consideratelly driven deisel engines at early o'clock that are the issue, they, until the electric engines supersede
, are an unfortunate fact of motoring, it's all the extra unnecessary noise. But let's not loose sight of the fact that these folk are in the not so silent minority, most of us are considerate.
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Having spent the last month in the Kuga, I used OH's runabout fort a tip run this morning. It was so quiet I thought I had stalled it.
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In over forty years this has never bothered me. It bothers me even less now that my hearing is failing and a bomb going off next door would not disturb me. Bliss !!!
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There is always something which disturbs you regardless if you are in bed at home or in the van. But whilst we have a thread about being woken, the one that gets me are the aqua rolls and chemical toilet wheels. Those are the two things which wake me more than anything else.
I don't know how you prevent it. We all live (most of us) in close proximity to each other and noise is inevitable. However, I do think we should all be considerate to each other and early morning is unacceptable.
Can someone have a word with the nesting seagulls in the house across the garden which have woken me numerous times from around 4.30am onwards
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Over there where the sun always shines and only nice people live etc, etc,
I've seen vans/MH queuing at the barrier before 7am to leave for the next site, the noise can be horrendous. This is one of the downsides of being able to book in on your next site before the midday curfew.
Don't recognise much of the rest of the stuff for the UK i.e. arguments when hitching, car doors etc., even when staying on ferry pitches.
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Aquarolls/Wastemasters/Cassettes can be quietened by pulling them along on the grass. That's if you can find any among all those hardstandings.
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do people really pull them anyway? I always put mine in the car
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Assuming a person's hearing works properly they will always hear things such as aquarolls, seagulls, engines. However, it is how the brain reacts to these stimulli that matters for the amount of disturbance they cause. If the unconscious part of the mind is conditioned to accept them as safe and normal for that situation they get disregarded and slumber continues.
A good example is that people who live beside a busy railway line do not notice the passage of trains - even if the crockery is rattling in the cupboards. That is, until the trains stop.
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We had it twice this week, once at 7-45 the other at 8 (I always look at the time when woken to enjoy my turn over and ignore time:) and it was someone "throwing" in what seemed an entire weeks worth of bottles into the glass bin (we were opposite the service point ) quite inconsiderate it was only a normal bin not a large glass recycling one easy enough to place bottles in....but there you go, nout quite like folk.
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loads of moans and grumbles on this thread. Seems to becoming the normal on the CMC forum.
.Instead of blaming everybody else.----- Just take a bit of personal responsibility for your enjoyment of your holiday. If a bit of noise is bothering you during the night --- use ear plugs. ---- Problem solved !!
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When is a noise a noise🤔 The sound of the sea at Berwick can be most soporific, although does get interrupted by high speed trains on the East Coast Main Line.😂
Both have been commented on negatively in reviews. Personally I find one rather pleasant and the other ignorable.
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yes it called my OH
Self feeding, propelling, and cleaning and excellent voice recognition software installed.
Bit past the use by date but I keep her on as I'm quite fond of her and it is difficult (and dangerous) to find a replacement. I should have taken out gap insurance really