Where is everyone???

Hi! I check here constantly, but don't see any new posts etc. Can I assume you have gave up touring Solo or can't you be bothered with what Solos can offer?
I know since April 2016 and I was banned, things could not be posted and events not entered, but Solos Touring is still very much around.
i have not been solo other than a brief interlude in June where I slept for the majority of the stay! Life has not been great for me and am still going through it! I intend to go away in September but as with the way these things go nothing firm as yet.
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Family stuff has caught me again and my veg patch - I can't leave my beans at the moment - yum yum! Hope to get some time to myself late September but who knows? I hope you have recovered from the Op Vivien or have I got the dates wrong.
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Your dates are correct Pippa, I had another (3 rd now) op on my back last week. I was at the stage I could not walk again, so had to cancel Norden. I am hoping to get to Cosham, next Portsmouth on friday, that's as long as this rain stops and the rivers return to roads again.
Hows your grandchild? Walking?v
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I hope you make it to those meets Vivien.
He is in America with both parents and thriving I believe thank you . He was 16 - 17 months old when his mother put on Facebook that she had asked him "would you like to sleep in a bed of your own now?" We are not talking cot to bed here. He said Yes! I think it might be just as well they are over there!
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Hi Vivien, I have been out and about for 65 nights this year so far, some with other solos some on my own. Most of those days have been in France and planning [if all goes well] to go again for September with other Solos. In between I have been a carer for older daughter after an operation which did not go as planned and have celebrated the birth of second great grandchild in July.
Sounds as though you have had a bad time with ops but hope all is well.
Have not seen you since New Forest about 18 months ago.
Haven't seen Pippah since Skegness in December?
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Hi Mike, nice to hear from you! Another great Grandchild! Your not old enoughn 😀
I had a step grandson and a grand daughter, now down to just Grand daughter who starts school in September. My son split from his partner in March, he had to walk away from everything. It has taken until now for him to get supervised visits every now and then, he is awaiting a set visiting right to see his daughter. It's a shame, he has suffered badly but looks like his life may soon settle a bit. (In my spare bedrooms that is) lol
I have done 32 nights so far, that with dodging around medical procedures and problems.
last holiday was a trip to North Dartmoor and then down to Veryan in south Cornwall, then a return to North Dartmoor on the way back home. Wall to wall sunshine the whole time I was away. Met up with Janet in her Motorhome and little dog as well as Sally and her dog.
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Sorry to hear of too many problems with you all. For me - I have hardly been at home. Spain, France, Low countries from Feb till June. Blackmore in July. Edinburgh, Kelso and now near Worksop this month. Moffat, Stratford then a show at Malvern in Sept. Oct at home. Nov Dunbar, Moffat and Dunham. Dec back to Spain.
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Sorry Pippa and Jane. I did not check in after I posted on 23/8. It was a big meet and I was on the working party as I am running the meet next year in Kelso at the August Bank holiday; so really busy. Are you going to the NCCC AGM at Stratford in September? Meg
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I was thinking of going but things are so uncertain at the moment, I can't make plans as such.
my mum is fading away fast. She hasn't eaten since Beginning of July, nor drank anything either. She now has kidney failure along with other issues. She is confined to bed, lost about 6 stone in weight and has 4x2 nurses visit each day, plus doctors and also carers. My step father is managing but is finding it increasingly hard as they think he has had a stroke recently and he is waiting a MRI scan this Sunday. Of course, he never reported anything wrong, although his left are is weak and his face has dropped slightly.
The above, plus my dad has been in hospital twice last week. He keeps passing out for no reason.
Deep joy! Not!
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Hi All,
i am now back in caravanning mode since daughters wedding last Saturday. Nothing planned so far Solo,wise, just the last weekend in September at Burford with the new in-laws. Had fantastic 6 weeks in Scotland April/May only rained twice until I got into Northumberland on the way back where it didn't stop. Jane joined me for the first couple of weeks.
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Back last weekend from a spending September in France...mainly around the Dordogne region....with other Solos. Plenty of walking, cycling, drinking, eating, chatting, laughing and even 22km of kayaking!
Now got withdrawal symptoms so wondering if 3 nights away this weekend might solve the problem!!.......but where??
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I spent June and July in Eastern Europe, then the Loire valley for September. It's getting a bit nippy back here but off to the Cotswolds on Tuesday to visit places often passed by when en route elsewhere (Cheddar Gorge, Hay on Wye, Haynes Motor museum, etc.).
I believe Solos activities are now on Facebook to which I was encouraged by my kids to subscribe earlier this year, but only for a for a couple of weeks as once I'd seen a photo of one person's 'All you can Eat for £3.99' pub Sunday lunch and no end of Wannabe Celebrity selfies I felt I'd seen 'em all!
As a cynical philosopher commented last week on Radio 4: 'The social media are largely Self reassuring bubbles of like-minded people'.
Nothing wrong with that I suppose.
(Removes tongue from cheek........
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Well, September 2017 will be a month to remember for the wrong reasons.
9th September my Mum passed away, expected so no surprises. I spoke to her on the Sunday evening, a phone was placed next to her on her pillow so she could hear me, although she was in a semi coma. This was to be the last 7pm call her after I spoke to her every day.Monday at 7.30 am I had the phone call I was awaiting, she had passed away in her sleep.
All hell was let loose by wicked family members, stress was building as I had to arrange to get to Cumbria. My son Adam took me but could only get a day off for the funeral, so we did the round trip of 600+ miles and a funeral in 15 hours. That was on the 18th September.
A week later on 25th September I was taken to hospital under two’s and blues with a suspected heart attack. After god knows how many ECG’s, X-rays, blood tests, MRI scan the works, I was discharged late at 11.30pm still with a heart rate of 135pm and chest pains which was a flare up of arthritis, that had now affected my breast bone.
Thursday 28th September and 6th October I have been back in hospital and now under my GP, more blood tests booked for the 10th October.
I have not done a thing since the 25th September, plans are all on hold and life is very boring as I have been ordered complete rest.
however, I am away on the 27th December for New Year at Blackmore C&CC site .
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Sorry to hear about your Mum Vivien life can be very cruel sometimes but i am sure you will bounce back and carry on enjoying your travels you never know our paths may cross in the future as i am a solo traveller also all the best and most importantly get better soon x
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Hi all
I too am a solo caravaner most of the time and have been out approx. 30 days this year. Reading the posts It seems many have the same problems ie Family, Operations, Appointments etc which keep us from enjoying our hobby. I don't tend to go too far mainly in North west and down to chester. Maybe in the future I will join up with one of the groups.
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Another solo, but hardly ever at home! Going your way next month collinn, to a New Companions meet at Delamere C&CC site. 1st to 4th Sept. There is also a NCCC meet from the 28 Aug to 1st Sept at CMC site at Barnard Castle.
Don't leave it to the future to join. Do it now, then you can have company even if you are only able to get away for a few days.