
Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
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edited August 2017 in Motorhomes #1

Its that time of year again. CC offered AXa at £18 more than the comparative sites for the same Insurer and same excesses - Both AXA. Why I wonder. The renewal quote from SAGa was even better. After discussing the £25offer by CC to beat a quote SAGA matched the discount. Ended up saving  £40 on a £200 quote. Some of the others on the web sites were more than £100 dearer. Moral  shop around and haggle. Ended up with a 5 star policy with better benefits than others at a substantially cheaper price.  Beware however on the Web sites that they are quoting on a like for lie basis, ie  Excesses Unisured drivers, curtesy car etc. Do your homework carefully Never have I been able to Insure anything with the club on price..