Camos Papsa Plus

CDL Forum Participant Posts: 4
edited August 2017 in Parts & Accessories #1

Hi Everyone,

If like me you purchased a Camos Papsa Plus and have had trouble / problems please get in touch I may be able to help reprogram it to the latest settings, I am in the middle of testing our own unit now.

However because of the Astra2 position you will get very poor reception outside of the UK compared with previous.

We used to be able to get reception to the south of France but I don't think this will be possible now,

Kind regards


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,156
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    edited August 2017 #2


    I assume you are referring to the small portable satellite system? There were some major satellite footprint changes about five years ago which restricted the Free to Air UK programmes you could get depending on size of dish which meant in effect that you needed a minimum of an 85 cms dish to get any chance of these programmes in the South of France. As I understand it the Camos dish you mention is quite small so I would be surprised if you were able to get the above mentioned programmes very far into France. Obviously if you use Sky that would be a different matter. I have a 85cms Mecatronic automatic roof mounted dish on my motorhome and that needed a software update a few weeks ago because it has suddenly stopped working.


  • CDL
    CDL Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited August 2017 #3

    Cheers David,

    Unfortunately the Camos was an expensive bit of kit, and with all the changes we have been left with a pricey ornament, however I have contacted the original maker in Korea and they have been very helpful.

    I'm busy testing it in various locations now having been able to get into the menu settings,


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,156
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    edited August 2017 #4


    Does it say what size dish it is equivalent to? If we know that it might be easier to comment on expectations for using it abroad.


  • CDL
    CDL Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited August 2017 #5

    I'll keep you posted if I am successful David

  • RayJo44
    RayJo44 Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited April 2018 #6


    I too have the Camos CSA-10PA Plus which I purchased in April 2011. About a year later I had to get it re-programmed as it defaulted to only find Astra 1. It worked fine for a while then came the upgrade and repositioning of the satellites and I now find that it can only seem to find Astra 2 in a strong signal area even in the UK. The original seller no longer deals in this brand and I have tried in vain to find anybody interested in it.

    The other problem I get is that when trying to self park, the motor does not shut of and it continues to judder until you pull the plug on it.

    I would appreciate any help with the re-programming procedure and any info you might have regarding a reset button?



  • nosha
    nosha Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited October 2018 #7

    I'm another owner of one of these units, I have whilst in France seen one in white that I think was badged as Avtex?

    I took a gamble and purchased it secondhand just as Astra swapped over from 1 to 2 and download the software and reprogrammed it which was successful, it was a bit complicated but it has worked perfectly for years! The hardest thing now will be having a laptop with a serial connection.

    Then the Astra footprint was reduced and now due to the size of the dish it doesn't work further south than the Dordogne. However I can confirm that it locks on a lot further south but doesn't supply a picture which can be confusing! I have just come back from visiting Ypres, Holland and Brittany and received signal and quality strengths of 9/8 to 10/9!!!

    I do still have the software and very pigeon English reply and instructions if required. 

  • cmmaidment
    cmmaidment Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited January 2019 #8

    Hi, wonder if you can help me. I have the CSA-1450as satellite system which I believe has the same receiver box as your one. Up until start of this year everything worked perfectly however now it just spins the dish and never ever finds a signal. I believe it needs a software update however I can’t for the life of me find where to download it. Can you help? TIA, Colin

  • PaulRWYoung
    PaulRWYoung Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited March 2019 #9

    I wonder if any of you still use this unit? I got hold of one cheaply and being a bit of a dabbler thought I would have a play. However it seems the company website has changed to a .com, and I can find no mention of the software or manuals. Manual are not an issue as I googled one online. But for the life of me I cannot find the software. Can anyone help?

    Regards Paul.

  • Trini
    Trini Club Member Posts: 429
    edited March 2019 #10

    We have a Papsa and to be honest I think they are now museum pieces being replaced by Snipe etc

    Not sure how long ours will last as it now jerks when it is rising and going to sleep ater.

    I doubt there is any software updates any more but will keep an eye on the post just incase ..

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,156
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited March 2019 #11

    Camos do have a support page here I wonder how universal the upgrade software is and whether you could try it on a different model?


  • PaulRWYoung
    PaulRWYoung Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited May 2019 #12

    Hi all.

    Still at a loss, the company site has no mention of the older unit. And there is not sign of the control software either. If anyone has one of these, and has the software, I would really appreciate a copy.

    Regards Paul.

  • Clive Longworth
    Clive Longworth Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited June 2019 #13

    At long last, I have managed to get my Camos papsa to work, been using it in the UK, now going to France to try it out albeit only to Brittany at present.

    If anyone wants all the information I have including how to update please e.mail me....

    This way I can send you attachments etc.

    Fingers crossed 

  • johndingle
    johndingle Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited June 2020 #14

    Hi all

    Not sure if this is still live as it is a year since the last post. I have a SATMARK PAPSA that no longer locks on and wondered if the software update for CAMOS might work as they seem to be the same thing