Solar Panel Thingy

I found this one on Amazon
I have an AGM Leisure Battery - would this be OK to hook up to it? If so how do you do it?
It looks very like the one I won for writing a review on UKcampsites website and it came with alligator clips to put on the battery - I got mine properly wired onto the battery at service time with a little socket to plug into when you set up - in the battery locker. But someone with more knowledge will come along soon!
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Looks Ok to me. Your only difficulty is finding somewhere to attach the crocodile clips to your battery terminals. Pipal is correct and there are better ways of doing it, ideally the controller should be close to the battery but it will work. For what it is worth I have AGM batteries and my controller had an option of settings for standard wet cell and Gel batteries. I contacted the battery manufacturer and they advised me to use the standard setting for an AGM battery.
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Thank you all - I've just ordered it. I'm sure I'll be back for help installing it - in fact I know I will! In the meantime here is a picture of my only DIY electrical installation so far - fairy lights via AAA batteries!