On-site TV booster

Jontic Forum Participant Posts: 4

New boy to touring. How do I make use of the on-site TV booster on a site with a poor signal, please?


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,474
    10,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited June 2017 #2

    You need a coax cable to connect your TV to the socket on the EHU bollard. Wardens often sell made up cables but it's usually cheaper to make your own.

    Not all sites have or need a booster system and Stover in Devon has a unique system not needing a cable.


  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited June 2017 #3

    If you are going to make one ,make it 25m long ,that way you can tuck it out of harms way and not a trip hazard........

  • Milothedog
    Milothedog Forum Participant Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2017 #4

    I just plug a co- axial cable into the connection on EHU point if they are on that particular site. You best get a 25m lead like your EHU lead. Also, and I speak from experience. don't buy a cheap one off ebay etc. I have found that Domestic cable intended for digital signals as fitted to your house works best. 

  • Vulcan
    Vulcan Club Member Posts: 672
    250 Likes 500 Comments
    edited June 2017 #5

    Not forgetting to retune your TV as well.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited June 2017 #6

    Vulcan's  point is  well  made  ==  you  will  almost  certainly  need  to  re-tune  your  TV on  every  site  you  want  TV  unless  you  find  two  sites  within  the  coverage  of  the  same  transmitter  --  I've  never  managed  that  yet  !!

  • dmiller555
    dmiller555 Forum Participant Posts: 717
    edited June 2017 #7

    I just brought a cable from the site shop, about £15 I think. That is fed through my caravan window and plugged into my TV with the other end plugged into the bollard.

  • Jontic
    Jontic Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited June 2017 #8

    Thank you all for your help. I understand how to do it now.

    Great advice from you all.

  • Pippah45
    Pippah45 Forum Participant Posts: 2,452
    edited June 2017 #9

    Tewkesbury and Chapel Lane are close enough I think to avoid retuning.    I have found the cable not so necessary as it was pre Digital TV days and noticed I am not using cable where others are.