Avtex Sat Nav

I might be missing something but, in the club member offers the Avtex Sat Nav is listed - when clicking the link it turns out to be £349.00 - to both members and non members - My issue is I can buy it in most caravan dealers at £299.00 -------- why is it in the members offers page??????????
It's an offer, you don't have to accept it.
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i would not bother getting one. out of seven sites i have been to recently it was only able to give the correct directions to 2. getting to area is ok it just goes tits up on the critical last half mile. my previous tom-tom had no problem getting you to the correct address. Poor show caravan club for not knowing the correct co-ordinents to your own club sites.
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sorry meant to list sites.
thirsk racecourse ,tried to take me round the back of racecourse,
stockton whitewater, tried to take me up unused road next to asda
Berwick seaview, tried to take me up a farm track.
ayr craigie gardens, took me into university grounds.
garlieston, tried to get me turn left in village instead of right.
and before i get slated for just using sat nav, i don't hence tried.
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My TomTom seems fine. I put in the post code and then change for points of interest/caravan and camping sites near destination and pick the CC site off the list. Cannot see one with dedicated CC info being different as they are on my standard TomTom satnav anyway.
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What model TomTom do you have. POI's are relatively easy to load but there are two methods depending on model. I have both Archies and the Club POI's on mine and they have always worked fine. I can talk you through the loading of POI's if you wish.
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Buy the Garmin equivalent and download Archie's POIs from his website. The Garmin instructions tell you how to use the "loader" but if you get stuck there are several people on this forum who will explain how in detail. You will need a 16Gb memory card but they are quite cheap.
Once you have Archie's loaded it will give you every site in Europe.
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Just his evening I've order a Garmin Drive 60LM
It has a 6" screen and has lifetime European map updates. No traffic information (have found it to be completely inaccurate on other devices) and no pre-loaded points (as I'm quite capable of loading a destination).
No abilty to tell it that I'm towing a caravan, because I always look at the map as well when planning an unfamiliar route and take note of any restrictions noted on the caravan site's web site.
It was £120 from Tesco, less £10 for a voucher code on the same page as the advert. So £110.
This is to replace a TomTom Start 60 which drives me mad with it!s faulty screen that continually jumps through the menus while driving along, as though someone is pressing the menu buttons.
I'll report back on how it performs.
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First impressions of our new Garmin Drive 60LM.
Contrary to what it says on the Garmin web site, it does have speed cameras.......and very accurate too.
The estimated time of arrival seems to be very accurate and readily adjusts depending on speed and delays.
Downside - only appears to show time of arival or milage to destnation, but you have to chose which - it doesn't appear to show both (subject to me reading the instructions).
Lane guidance appears as a pop up side screen. Not very accurate on the number of lanes, but still useful.
You can enter lat / lon co-ordinates, which is useful in France as it pin points the site entrance. They don't have post codes like ours.
The display is very clear.
So far, so good.
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Four years ago I bought a Tomtom with a lifetime guarantee of European map updates.
Yesterday I loaded the latest update and noticed that this guarantee now expires in 2022
Therefore I am now looking for funeral expense insurance rather than a new sat nav
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Good question, l can't answer it by the way but we like your dog !
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Hi, I'm new here, looking for a good satnav, but totally confused by choice and shocked by prices!
Tried Co-Pilot app on i-phone, but hard to see and voice directions not working. Other half is colour blind and struggles with the lack of contrast.
we both like Tom Tom, ours are well out of date though.
question: do you use a basic Tom Tom, or an expensive truck/caravan option? If so, which one?
thank you!
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I'm still using a TomTom Go 700 that I bought s/hand off eBay, so it must be all of twelve years old. Used withe 'common-sense' plug-in module and it's fine.
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Erikajon said:-
Question: do you use a basic Tom Tom, or an expensive truck/caravan option? If so, which one?
The only specialist option now from TomTom seems to be this one
Basically it's a truck one but you can set it for either a car or a van with the additional option of putting the outfit size in. Although some of their models will accept the Camper maps it's not down to actual model but serial number which you have no way of knowing until you get it in your hand.