New Zealand on a Very Tight Budget. Day 18

We've had a most successful day's sight-seeing in Wellington. We caught the 10 am bus from the camp site and got off in the centre walking straight to Te Papa, New Zealand's National Museum right on the water front. Of particular interest was the fabulous Maori artefacts. the carving of wood and stone is extraordinary considering that they had no metal tools. We also enjoyed the natural and social history sections and the wonderful view from the roof terrace.
From there we walked through a vibrant waterside market via the information centre and the Old Bank Arcade to the cable car - not a cable car at all but a funicular railway to the Kilburn lookout at the top of the Botanical Gardens climbing 120 metres in 5 minutes.
There is a wonderful walk down through the 25 hectare gardens to Lady Norwood's Rose garden and the Begonia House where we had a late lunch.
From there the walk way continues through the old cemetery straight over the motorway and into the heart of the city in the space of just a few yards it seems.
We walked past the Parliament building (The Beehive for obvious reasons) to the wonderful church of Old St Paul's. Wellington's first cathedral constructed of native timbers in 1867 with a stunning wooden interior and glorious stained glass windows. From there is was just a short stroll to the bus stop back to the camp site.