new dog

I lost my dog Sandy just over a year ago to cancer and it has took me all this time to get another one I just brought a border coiler he's only 11 weeks old he's lovely can't wait till I can take him away with me in the summer.
That's great news! I'm about 8 months further on than you, having lost one of my Westies in Jan. You'll never replace the lost dog but will make new, happy memories with your little boy.
Keep us updated with your progress and experiences!
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- Wonderful news road ranger. We lost our 3 year old Labradoodle to cancer in January but cannot bring ourselves to gave another one at the moment. Enjoy every minute.
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Great news. We waited almost a year after we lost our lovely seventeen year old Poppy. It was a miserable time for us but getting Bramble, a Border Collie, has been an absolute joy. Not always easy, I had forgotten just how demanding a puppy can be but so worth it. It will be Bramble's first trip away in the caravan in a couple of weeks. Looking forward to many holidays with him. Hope you have some wonderful times with the new pup.
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Great news, we have a Border Collie, lovely dogs.
Hope all goes well for you.
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So nice to hear you have another Dog
We have 2 border collies one 18 months and one 7-1/2 years both rescues, have always had recuse dogs, 7 to date and had both from pups (one 11 weeks & one 5 months) Best dogs in the world.
We wish you much future happiness with your new pup
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He's a lovely dog sat here with him now. He gets his last jabs on Sunday so a week after that can start walking him. Ps can't remember but how long before he stop nipping?
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Nipping- soon snap him out of it if you make a really high pitched yelping sound whenever he does it and then ignore him for about 20 seconds. Give him no attention in that time. My two Westie pups were really bad but this stopped them very quickly. Apparently it's what their mum and litter mates would do if nipping got too rough.
My other half felt really silly making the noise so they nipped him!!
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Greggu's "ouch" and ignore technique is very good to train out of nipping, they do it for attention, so hopefully if ignored, quickly learn that nipping is not allowed! Pup will be teething as well, so find some safe puppy chew toys to help get little pup through this somewhat painful stage. If you are really lucky, you might find the odd puppy tooth, although I think they usually get swallowed!
Having a pup around is hard work, but so lovely. We got two Airedale puppies last time we had a small pup, they worked as a combined destruction unit, always in bother. We never use crates, so had a lot of "interesting" moments! Very hard to identify the exact culprit if you have more than one! Enjoy your new dog and treasure all the moments.
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We love Border collies. Ours is an 2 year old blue merle, she and our staffie x go nuts when they see the caravan being hitched up. Hope you enjoy.
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Thank you for your kind comments. He's going for his 2nd day of walks today only just started his walks yesterday.