Latest Club Survey

I have just spent a good hour completing a Club Survey by Harris. Received the email today and went for it.
Frankly most of the questions, as I pointed out, could have been answered if HO read CT. Maybe they have been without commenting and decided to commission survey 😉
Questions included opinion on name change? do you consider the club offers value for money?whether you feel a valued member? what you'd like the club to do for you? What you think of the magazine etc. Amongst several but the one I liked best was - How you value reviews by customers? 😂😂 cant write if you've done one already on CL and some club sites!
I have had fun stating exactly what I think of the upgrade of the website, rebranding, communication, delaying of publishing the handbook etc.
I do hope that you all take part in the survey as last but not least there is the chance to win wait for it wait for it 3 x £100 shopping vouchers 😆. How many members? How many responses? How little reward for so few members? Certainly isn't generous.
Lastly the biggest laugh I got was the question asking about membership of other organisations. First on the list Civil Service Motoring Association CSMA - which last year rebranded to Boundless. Thought that said everything about anything you could ever need to know about rebranding . 😂😂😂😂😂
Having also completed the survey you couldn't make it up.
Several questions asked for historical opinions about c&mc sites and performance etc. Did nobody tell the researchers that c&mc has only existed for 6 weeks, so no history exists,
Unlike CC which has over 100 years of history, and is internationally acknowledged, but was dumped by those at the ivory tower.
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Oh yes I've just realised read the email and it says
As a membership organisation, we are committed to listening closely to members views on Club services and experiences - and gathering ideas for improvements.
Im now inviting a small, representative selection of members to take part in our Spring 2017 Survey
Sorry if I got some of you excited about nothing 😔
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I certainly wasn't complimentary in my comments or markings. I said it as I see it 😉. I even had what I presume wete supplementary questions about why I wouldn't recommend to a friend or may not renew membership.
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Perhaps if anyone else has an invite they could send us the link?
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Sorry it won't let me copy the link so I can post it here. I reckon once it's been used it's invalid even though I just clicked on the 'take the survey' box not the Web links at the bottom.
Mind you I'm not overly IT savvy 😊 maybe someone else is better 😉
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Boff one would hope that although they may publicly admit nothing but what they want too from the survey, one would hope that the responses were at the very least contemplated after yet another costly exercise. But I too live in the real world and wonder how many people will just tick the boxes and make no comment, that certainly wasn't me. I believe in saying it how it is when asked a direct question. Incidentally there was a question on how you felt about the name change with emojis 😉 several choices sadly I can't remember them all but one was angry with a fabulous red face! I expect enough of those ticked will provide the answer, as was often a stock reply at work, you're against change and redevelopment. Life was ever thus 😂😂
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I haven't had the survey mentioned although I've been responding to the site surveys since the start of the year. The club must be awash with surveys at some considerable cost. They also have CT, Facebook and Twitter to gauge feedback. They plough on regardless with office based initiatives rather than gaining feedback out in the "field" and I don't mean ralliers I mean the broad swathe of site users here and overseas. Although we're told that CT is read and listened to, responses to questions and queries are slow and sometimes ignored. So what are the prospects for more surveys, are they boost to confidence in the boardroom or are they to improve the experience for members?
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We used to receive regular surveys but they stopped them some time ago. This one is the first we've had in ages. Bruce I know you'll reply to the questions.
I wholeheartly agree about 'free' feedback via CT and FB and I said so in the survey!!! Seems to me inf in doubt spend money on finding answers .........
I'm actually typing this on my Kindle Fire so they must have done something to the website as I haven't been able to since the upgrade 😱. Would that they could sort the CL issues and the search facility 😉
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I would have enjoyed this one.
If anyone from HQ is reading and/or cares I feel you've lost distinctiveness and have copied the other club to the point of being unable to tell the difference any more. I also feel your core values are vague, predictable, repetitive and do not reflect what I want from a pitch provider.