Caravan insurance problem

We have recently bought a new caravan and plan to go travelling for 3 years. We are retiring and want to have a bit of fun. We have been trying to get insurance for our caravan but keep hitting problems. They all want to know where we are storing our caravan, we wont be, we will be in it. I am sure that there are others doing this. How do you get around this. We have to give a storage address on go compare sites. Help please.
We have an official home address at my daughters but no real home address. Thank you wildwood we will get on the phone tomorrow and leave the internet alone
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Hi there Christine and welcome to Club Together.
Your plans to go touring for 3 years sounds really exciting.
I am trained on 5Cs Caravan Insurance. Our team can certainly help.
As you are probably aware, there are lots of questions we would need to ask you.
It is not clear if you will be touring for 3 years constantly or if you would have breaks, if you will be in the UK or abroad.
We can discuss this with you, amongst other things on 01342 336610 between 8.45am and 6pm, Monday to Friday.
If we are not able to insure your caravan, we will certainly be able to put you in touch with someone who should be able to do that.
I wish you all the best and hope you have a fabulous time travelling for the next 3 years.