Wasting money

chens Forum Participant Posts: 5
edited February 2017 in Club Membership #1

Here we go again a new name for the club must mean a new web site upgrade no wonder the site fees are going up, waste of money !!!!!!!frown.


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,303
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited February 2017 #2

    Lots of threads- well at least a couple, plenty of comments to read and digest.

  • Antp
    Antp Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited February 2017 #3

    My wife and I have been Caravan Club members on and off for the past 40 years, our current stint is for the past 11 years, but we have found that a lot of the Caravan Club (Now Caravan & Motorhome Club) sites have become very regimented, whilst we appreciate rules and regulations have to exist, we have found that some wardens can be over strict.

    On 4 occasions we have had run in's with wardens at a number of sites up and down the country, from one assistant warden telling us we were speeding at 3mph above the allotted 5mph limit (when we weren't, I am always very careful about my speed when driving on site) , to a warden telling my wife not to let our dog walk on the grass, how else was she supposed to get the dog from the pitch to the road ?,I won't bore you with the other two stories.

    Last year, on the advice of a family member we tried the Camping & Caravanning Club, and found it was like the Caravan Club used to be, relaxing and more of a happy go lucky attitude.

    Therefore this year will be our last, and we will stick with the Camping & Caravanning Club. 

  • Cawsey
    Cawsey Forum Participant Posts: 19
    edited February 2017 #4

    UUUmm I was wondering how much it cost a Marketing Guru for the new logo ?

  • Cawsey
    Cawsey Forum Participant Posts: 19
    edited February 2017 #5

    Yes I must agree there are some Wardens who are a bit JOBSWORTH. I must say that most are very good . I must say that in the Q&A on the new logo and name change ,there was an item about trailer tents ,which I think are allowed on CC club sites ,and the reply terms us as CUSTOMERS    not members . I have thought for some time that we are thought of such .

  • Windybottom
    Windybottom Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited February 2017 #6

    Every company has to grow, the Caravan Club is no different.  The change of logo is a refreshing look to the 21st century especially with the growing European sites.

    The club can not afford to stand still and we as members must not allow this.   More caravan's  motor home owner's want sites with serviced pitches in great locations and I must say that the club do need to look at some areas of the UK where there is a distinct lack of Club Sites but that is something to grow upon.

    With the change of logo and inspiration behind this club may it continue, but don't forget you as members make this club.coolwink     

  • Ken48
    Ken48 Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited February 2017 #7

    I cannot remember seeing the results of the feedback survey asking for a change in name and logo in the club magazine, when was these results published?



  • RochelleCC
    RochelleCC Forum Participant Posts: 337
    edited February 2017 #8

    Thanks for your feedback, as this isn't strictly a 'story' I'll be closing this and moving to Club Membership.

    You can join the conversation here


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,396
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    edited February 2017 #9

    There is so much fuss going on about very little while around us Rome, or the forum, burns. Still a way to go, Rochelle.