Member's Question time & rally Scotland

Perth - Scottish Caravan Club 3 rd - 5 th March 2017
Site at: Noah’s Ark Caravan Site, Perth PH1 1QE
Follow Noah’s Ark signs from Broxden Roundabout on A9 then follow SCC signs
No arrivals before 10:00 am
A Member's Question Time will be held at The Dewar’s‚ Business, Events and Sports Centre, Perth PH2 0TH on Saturday 4 th March 2017 from 1:00pm onwards. The SCC Chairman & Secretary, along with Members of the Caravan Club Executive Committee and various members of staff from Caravan Club HQ will be in attendance to answer any questions you may have.
Rally Fee: £5.00 Site Fee: £15.00 per night inc EHU.
Marshals - Ian & Marion Bennett, Alistair & Yvonne Fisher
Bookings to Alistair Fisher, 15 High eld Court, Stonehaven AB39 2PL Phone No: 01569 760446 Mobile No: 07484 111863 Email Address: