Auto Trail - Water Ingress

Allestree Homer
Allestree Homer Forum Participant Posts: 1
edited January 2017 in Motorhomes #1

 I am trying to establish the extent of water ingress problems involving Auto Trail motorhomes. Our 2014 Chieftain revealed extensive damp problems after its second habitation service in March 2016 involving the bed box behind the driver’s seat and the rear garage space. Our dealer undertook repairs during April and May but it has been back several times since because rain water continues to find its way into the garage. It has been at our dealers for the last month and they are saying that they cannot fix it, so now it is going back to Auto Trail this month.

I am led to believe, that of late, perhaps within the last two to three years that Auto Trail have had extensive issues with water ingress.

I would be pleased to hear from anyone that has experienced similar problems involving the ingress of water with an Auto Trail motorhome during the last three years or so.


  • EJB986
    EJB986 Forum Participant Posts: 1,153
    edited January 2017 #2

    My 2002 Tracker is fine, as are most older vehicles....however I would suggest that virtually all  makes are not as well built as they used to be and it is not an Auto Trail specific problem.

    One or two of the 'new construction method' makes are horrors!

    Just thank your lucky stars it is still under Guaranteesmile

    I browse the German MH forums and the so called top marques also have lemons!

  • Aspenshaw
    Aspenshaw Forum Participant Posts: 611
    edited January 2017 #3

    I would do a search of several motorhome forums and also contact AutoTrail Owners Club. I think you will find numerous tales of woe on damp in the latter years although I do not know what percentage of vans are having problems

  • rayjsj
    rayjsj Forum Participant Posts: 930
    edited January 2017 #4

    My 2012 Savannah had leaks in the same place, bed box behind the driver, low down where side panel joins floor, 2 services running so, it wasnt fixed the first time.quite extensive.Perhaps the guy on that part of the producrion line doesnt know how to fill up his mastic gun .?

    Traded in now for an Autotrail panel van.

  • moonbeam21
    moonbeam21 Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited March 2017 #5

    Our 2015 Mohawk just had its second habitation service and also has an ingress problem with a reading of 30-40 around perimeter and 70% behind drivers seat! We have had eitheen other issues with this MH and and totally disappointed and fed up with it! A number of spoilt holidays!

  • Cajun Duo
    Cajun Duo Forum Participant Posts: 48
    edited March 2017 #6

    Looks like that the damp problem is not just a AT problem and as been said even German top marques have problems. On this winter trip to Spain the Dutch guy next to me in a Hobby caravan said they have a saying in Holland " Buy a Hobby and you have a Hobby", he then said you need a tool box with you in fact a big tool box LOL. The AT damp problems seem to be mainly in the 2010 to 15 vans not sure about brand new 2017 ones. Have fun and enjoy whatever van you get.

  • Apullara
    Apullara Forum Participant Posts: 5
    edited August 2017 #7

    Hmmm... I've just put a deposit on a 2014 Autotrail Savannah. I had the forethought to ask if I could take all the documents home to have a look at.

    I've found that the previous owner had water ingress in the places mentioned in this thread plus in one or two other places. He paid almost £1000 to rectify the problems (see pic). Now I'm wondering if I should go ahead with this purchase. I don't want a major outlay of money every year just to keep the van dry.

    I phoned the dealer (Spinneys) which does have a good reputation and they assured me that a complete check will be carried out and any problems fixed before they will let it go. There is a 12 month warranty and they said to take it in to have a damp check after 11 months, before the warranty expires.

    What would you do? I'd be grateful for any advice.

  • EJB986
    EJB986 Forum Participant Posts: 1,153
    edited August 2017 #8

    I would never buy a MH or caravan that had suffered water ingress.

    Is a dealer repair better than the new factory construction???

    PS. Not that either are always 100%.

  • Unknown
    edited August 2017 #9
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    edited August 2017 #10
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  • Apullara
    Apullara Forum Participant Posts: 5
    edited August 2017 #11

    Thanks for the responses.  I have trawled the internet looking at AT motorhomes and the verdict isn't good. I'm not going to buy this van but would appreciate some advice on which make to go for.  

    I've also read that none of the newer motorhomes, regardless of make, are made as well as older versions. I've got a Bessacarr which I've had for 2 years. It's my first, is a 2002 model and other than lookin tired and a bit rough around the edges, it is a solidly made van.  Maybe another Bessacarr?

  • Unknown
    edited August 2017 #12
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  • brightstar2
    brightstar2 Forum Participant Posts: 128
    edited August 2017 #13

    Why " fix it if it ain't broke"!!

    Is it a fashion thing ?

  • Aspenshaw
    Aspenshaw Forum Participant Posts: 611
    edited August 2017 #14

    All makes of motorhomes suffer from damp/water ingress. It's just that some are worse than others and some, especially owners of British vans, have the courage to admit they bought a damp 'un.

    I had two Swift motorhomes in the late 90's, both leaked and both were repaired under warranty. In 2000 I bought a Niesmann & Bischoff Arto [they weren't upper class then], and two Hymers since. No damp in 17 years. My experience is not unique. 

    If you want to minimise the risk of damp, buy a motorhome which does not use unseasoned wood in its construction, that is bonded together and not screwed together, and that has closed-pore polyurethane foam side walls - Hymer call their's PUAL. Some do leak because of after market fittings but the polyurethane foam gives the water nowhere to go. Oh and Hymer now keep the damp check records for each van on its computer whilst in the past, you had stickers for the first six years.

    I'm not recommending Hymers or Artos because they won't suit everyone but they are worth looking at below the skin to see what is possible and where, in the past, some other makes have fallen down. You can download a brochure off its website - PUAL has been about for a long time.

  • Apullara
    Apullara Forum Participant Posts: 5
    edited August 2017 #15

    Thanks for the info, very helpful indeed.  I'll take a look at those 2 makes.  I'm no expert on the construction aspects of motorhomes but your comments  have added to my fairly meagre knowledge of what to look out for and what questions to ask.

  • Apullara
    Apullara Forum Participant Posts: 5
    edited August 2017 #16

    I definitely want a full-size fridge/freezer

    fixed double or 2 single beds,

    only need 2 seat belts

    don't want over cab bed

    shower separate from loo, 

    Good garage space

  • Unknown
    edited August 2017 #17
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  • Braham99
    Braham99 Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited January 2018 #18

     I have exactly the same problem with my 2015 Apache 632.  One would have thought Auto-trail would have rectified this defect that must be costing them a fortune in warrantee claims.

  • Gordonjbrown
    Gordonjbrown Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited February 2018 #19

    Hello to all

    This is my first post on this forum. I have a 2016 Dakota. When not 1 year old water ingress was found in similar place to previous listings . It was supposed to be repaired, but just found damp paperwork which was left under the seat , I can’t believe that a van now not 2 years old require such major repairs. I am totally disgusted that this appears to have been an ongoing problem for several years. Can anyone tell me how they got it resolved as I now have no confidence in Autotrail