Caravan's First Service Recommendations.

Ken and Lorn
Ken and Lorn Forum Participant Posts: 59

Hi our Eldis  van will be due its first service april time as was wondering if  anyone can recommend sonewhere.  while we live East Yorkshire, she is currently stored in Teeside, so distance no problem.

Due not very pleasant dealings, poor customer care and abmissal after sales, with the dealership we bought her, (we have already had to send her back due to numerous poor quality and some serious faults, and disvovered they not only leave the wheellock and hitch locks off and in the van with keys, but also leave the caravan door unlocked with the key in the door, and see no issue with it being like that over night, as well as several other security, and handling issues), we will not be going back to the dealership again.

So any advice would be gratefully revieved.

Happy New Year one and all

Lorn and Ken





  • Ken and Lorn
    Ken and Lorn Forum Participant Posts: 59
    edited January 2017 #2

    Sorry for the repetitive post not sure whst happened there

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,936
    1,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited January 2017 #3

     Hi Jen and Lorn.  It might be worth looking into the possibility of a mobile service engineer, but do check to make sure that, if you go down this route, your caravan warranty will still be valid.

    Best of luck.


  • garry1958
    garry1958 Forum Participant Posts: 10
    edited January 2017 #4


    I live in East Yorkshire and can highly recommend Mick Adams, mobile NCC engineer based in Hedon

    Website :

    07715 379643

    Great service and price - About £150 for single axle

  • paul56
    paul56 Forum Participant Posts: 937
    edited January 2017 #5

    You may find this link to NCC Approved Workshops   useful. Good luck. By the way, your not alone in having poor service from dealerships. We wouldn't go back to ours either.