National rally - why has it sold out so soon?

sparky100 Forum Participant Posts: 81
edited December 2016 in Centre News & Rallies #1

This year we went to our first national  rally as a family and we all loved it so in November  we went  no line to book next year's  rally only to find out its sold out  .it must be a lot smaller  site than 2016 



  • bill
    bill Club Member Posts: 397
    Name Dropper
    edited December 2016 #2

    Attendance at the National has been dwindling for years so it is good to see so much interest for the 2017 event.  I think that Sandringham is a popular venue and probably has offered less spaces than in previous years.  We and most of our friends and colleagues, who are regular attendees, don't plan our rally year until after Christmas so all missed out.

    For people who want to visit Norfolk over this period the Caravan Club's website are promoting, amongst other locations, the Norfolk Centres rallies i.e. Strumpshaw Steam Rally 26-29th May and Wells Next the Sea Holiday Rally 27th May - 4th June.  Both, I feel, will fill up quickly because of the Nationals status.

  • sparky100
    sparky100 Forum Participant Posts: 81
    edited December 2016 #3

    The funny thing is my little  girl is on the main pages of the averting for the rally not told  her yet that we can not go as she will be up set

  • Firedragon
    Firedragon Forum Participant Posts: 509
    edited December 2016 #4

    Sparky, get your name on the waiting list quickly, there are all kinds of reasons why people discover later on that they cannot attend, yes - it might be a list but many on it will go on to make other arrangements rather than be left without anywhere to go, so it IS worth getting your name down. If you don't get in there is always the option to go for a Club site or CL and visit for the day.

    As to why it is booked up so quickly - well it is a special one in a very special place and yes, there are slightly less spaces than usual because of where it is. We have attended two previous Nationals at Sandringham and and sadly in the intervening years our outfits have grown in size while rules have meant more space needed for fire regulations etc,, so capacity goes down accordingly.


  • sparky100
    sparky100 Forum Participant Posts: 81
    edited December 2016 #5

    Thanks got my name down on the list just hoping to get a place as we loved it this year .

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited December 2016 #6

    national rally why has it sold out so soon ?

    Two reasons :- 

    1-- Its location is very handy for those in the South of England meaning that there will be a much bigger demand for places .

     2-- The CC has underestimated the number of CC customers wanting to attend.  Should have hired a much larger rally field. 



  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2016 #7

    We have booked Sandringham  cc club site and will go as day visitorssmile

    Another club also has a site on the Sandringham Estatewink

  • Firedragon
    Firedragon Forum Participant Posts: 509
    edited December 2016 #8

    where do you get the ridiculous idea that the majority of those booked in are all from the south K ? Members come from all over the country to the National and the option to have a bigger rally area is not available at Sandringham, so the question was to have a rally there as it is or go somewhere completely different. with it being the Club's 90th and last year the Queen's 90th too, the royal connection is strengthened by having our 90th at a royal residence (and a lovely one too)


  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited December 2016 #9

    I have to agree with FD. ------Sandringham is a lovely area. I've enjoyed touring  that area by staying at the CC site.


    Cheers ..............K

  • Boff
    Boff Forum Participant Posts: 1,742
    edited December 2016 #10

    Three points

    1 please don't call it a rally the powers that be decided in their infinite wisdom to remove the word rally from the title. 

    2 Basic marketing, restrict numbers so you can claim a triumph. 

    3 if the club is clever they find extra space due to unprecedented demand. This is unlikely due to the fifth word in this point. 

  • sparky100
    sparky100 Forum Participant Posts: 81
    edited December 2016 #11

    I still keep looking at my emails to see if I get a place at the national  rally. I do think this time the club has let down  its members 

  • bill
    bill Club Member Posts: 397
    Name Dropper
    edited December 2016 #12

    I think you are right that many long standing members will feel let down.  I know many members who have attended the National for many, many years that feel let down and certainly would never book the National 6 months in advance and within 4 weeks of the booking opening date.  They, like me, felt it was supporting the club who have been bleating for a number of years about the reducing attendances.


  • sparky100
    sparky100 Forum Participant Posts: 81
    edited January 2017 #13

    Has any one got any places  from the waiting list 


  • bill
    bill Club Member Posts: 397
    Name Dropper
    edited January 2017 #14

    A group of us were going to meet up at the National, as we often do.  Unfortunately only 3 of us got in so these will be cancelled so at least 3 off the waiting list will get a booking.

  • Firedragon
    Firedragon Forum Participant Posts: 509
    edited January 2017 #15

    I'm sorry if anyone thought I gave the impression that the waiting list will quickly go down - I simply said it was worth getting on it as there are always some that find they are unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances. This may be right up to the last minute and I do think it is way too soon to give up hope of getting a place yet.

    Bill, sorry to hear some of your party didn't get in but surely if you all go every year you would know it is best to book early for this special event in a very special place, and the excuse that 'you wouldn't dream of booking six months in advance' is then - at your own risk ? 

    The very fact that some members won't book six months in advance usually does rather reinforce my suggestion to get on the waiting list though as some that have may well find they need to cancel nearer the date. 

    When it comes down to it, this club has far too many members (and is still growing every day) to be able to give everyone who wishes to attend a place at this event, so perhaps in future it would be prudent to book early rather than risk not getting in at all.


  • sparky100
    sparky100 Forum Participant Posts: 81
    edited January 2017 #16

    I think the rally  has been badly organised and it's not just me saying that wene you chat to people in the club about it thay get very up set about it 

  • bill
    bill Club Member Posts: 397
    Name Dropper
    edited January 2017 #17

    I understand what you say Alison and my understanding is that there were over 80 people on the waiting list as at last weekend.  We usually book in January when we receive our Centres rally book along with the other rallies we want to attend so that is under 5 months in advance and have got in for many years.  I also understand that there are over 200 less pitches this year to the previous National at Sandringham due to the increased spacing for safety reasons.   If booking early is so important why do the CC not let you book until 31st October so less than a months window in 2016 and some of my motorhoming friends weren't even in the country during that period. Surely it would be better to let you book from one years event to the next as the venue will have been announced.
    Obviously won't bother in future as there is enough support, which is encouraging, but have made plans this year to go to the Feast of Lanterns and a couple of the Warners events to experience large events.

  • Firedragon
    Firedragon Forum Participant Posts: 509
    edited January 2017 #18

    Hi Bill, we always used to book in January too, but then that was when the booking opened, so opening in October is earlier than it used to be, I don't see how opening booking at the end of the National itself benefits anyone other than those who haven't already left. Even if the Events committee were anywhere near ready to take bookings then. They wouldn't have any surveys done on the only just announced venue anyway, it all takes time to sort out, rules have to be followed and even if the venue has been used before there is no guarantee the same amount of space is available, sometimes more space is possible to arrange with the landowner if we can show it would be good (and profitable).

    Sparky, how exactly do you & your friends think the event is badly organised? Feedback would be good.


  • bill
    bill Club Member Posts: 397
    Name Dropper
    edited January 2017 #19

    The really good news is that this year, unlike previous years, they will be spot on budget catering for the planned maximum income.

  • sparky100
    sparky100 Forum Participant Posts: 81
    edited January 2017 #20

    There is no point in giveing feed back to the club becaus no one cares 

  • Firedragon
    Firedragon Forum Participant Posts: 509
    edited January 2017 #21

    Oh for goodness sake, if no-one bothered to give feedback how would anyone know there are grievances to care about. 

    I get that you are disappointed Sparky but moaning about it is pointless, if your name is on the waiting list you may still get a place but why not try and book a CL nearby and visit that way if you really want to go.


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited January 2017 #22

    No body has spoken to me about it,wink

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited January 2017 #23

    We have booked the cc site at Sandringham, another club has a site in the same areawink

  • sparky100
    sparky100 Forum Participant Posts: 81
    edited January 2017 #24

    I have tried to give my feed back on it to the caravan club but as I have said before  no one cares about it  .it just has up set me as my little girl photo is still being used for the promotion of the national 

  • Firedragon
    Firedragon Forum Participant Posts: 509
    edited January 2017 #25

    How have you gone about complaining Sparky? Though I have to say it is a little late if the picture is in print, is it a random photo with your daughter in it or actually a photo OF your little girl? There is always a photographer wandering round the National taking pictures of people enjoying themselves, unless you can catch her and say 'I don't want a picture of my child used as publicity' there is not a lot you can do except put it in writing as soon as you see it in print, the Club would then be obliged to remove it.



  • Firedragon
    Firedragon Forum Participant Posts: 509
    edited January 2017 #26

    I see there is now a list on the National page of Club Sites and rallies (relatively) near so if some of those on the waiting list make alternative arrangements to go as day visitors then the waiting list will possibly go down (as long as they remember to take their names off it of course)


  • GlosJive
    GlosJive Club Member Posts: 92
    Name Dropper First Comment
    edited February 2017 #27

    What is the capacity for this years National, seen comments about making it a lower figure than previous years. Is that true?

    Good to see it sold out, first time in how many years?

    Not considered it this year - wrong side of the country for us.

  • Firedragon
    Firedragon Forum Participant Posts: 509
    edited February 2017 #28

    Each National venue is different, some are bigger than others and as long as our outfits keep getting bigger the pitches grow accordingly. This year all pitches are 11m x 10m to accommodate car, caravan & awning. We have attended two previous Nationals at Sandringham and I suspect there are less pitches than the last time we were there simply because pitch size has grown and regulations have also changed a little since then too. 

    The warnings went out to book early as this National is special (it is the 90th) the upside of that is that some will have booked to be sure of a space without being sure they can actually attend, so there is a chance of getting a space right up to the last minute.



  • bill
    bill Club Member Posts: 397
    Name Dropper
    edited February 2017 #29

    My understanding is that the space allocation has reduced by 245 units since the last National I attended at Sandringham.  This is because of the larger pitch spacing that has been recommended following so many fire related incidents.

    The good news for Centres is that many rallies being run over the same period are filling up quickly.

  • Boff
    Boff Forum Participant Posts: 1,742
    edited February 2017 #30

    That and the need to provide everyone with an ehu (are you reading this Merve?frown).  

    I am aware of one fire related incident on a rally which had devastating consequences are you saying that there have been others where tight spacing has caused further consequences?

  • Firedragon
    Firedragon Forum Participant Posts: 509
    edited February 2017 #31

    Believe me, one incident like that was one too many. 

    We do not need anything like that in any gathering

    EVER AGAIN !surprised
