New forum

EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
edited December 2016 in How to use Club Together #1

Hi everyone,

Firstly a BIG thank you to all our members for all your valuable feedback.

As you can imagine, launching a website of this scale is no easy task and it’s inevitable that we will experience some teething problems. There are a huge number of complexities in delivering a project of this size and whilst we did extensive user testing, it was always going to be a challenge to capture every possible scenario.

Whilst we appreciate this has affected some of our users we wanted to let you know that it’s on our radar and we’re working hard to address all the issues discussed in this thread. We’ve been collecting all your feedback, bug reports and comments. We review and report each item and they have been added to our issues list for review and will be managed according to priority.

In 2017 we’re planning to introduce new features and improvements and we will continue to refine, improve and optimise your online experience.

I'll be closing this Ask the Expert feature but please continue to send us your feedback through the How to use Club Together threads and we will continue to make updates over the coming weeks.

Thank you for your patience during this time and thank you for all your comments and feedback.


But you had a whole load of feed back ages ago when the original format was launched, you obviously ignored it because the new format has almost all the same 'teething' prblems.

But as usual, when topics don't follow the CC line, they're closed! yell


  • Simon100
    Simon100 Club Member Posts: 669
    500 Comments 100 Likes
    edited December 2016 #2

    The problems experienced are not 'teething problems' but major issues with a poorly designed and minimally tested web site. 

    Who did the user testing, as in the quote above?

    No one who has contributed to the feedback, since the new site was launched, seemed to have known anything about it, even the moderaters.

    If the testing was done by professional testers then they need to have their contract terminated. 

    If the testing was done by CC staff I would suggest that they stick to the day job.

    I have no faith that the people who created this site have the skills, knowledge or understanding to solve the problems that should not have been there in the first place. 


  • Simon100
    Simon100 Club Member Posts: 669
    500 Comments 100 Likes
    edited December 2016 #3

    The problems experienced are not 'teething problems' but major issues with a poorly designed and minimally tested web site. 

    Who did the user testing, as in the quote above?

    No one who has contributed to the feedback, since the new site was launched, seemed to have known anything about it, even the moderaters.

    If the testing was done by professional testers then they need to have their contract terminated. 

    If the testing was done by CC staff I would suggest that they stick to the day job.

    I have no faith that the people who created this site have the skills, knowledge or understanding to solve the problems that should not have been there in the first place. 


  • Simon100
    Simon100 Club Member Posts: 669
    500 Comments 100 Likes
    edited December 2016 #4

    Sorry for the duplicate post. I thought the post had not gone due to the inherent web site delay.