It may just be me, but every time I select a bookmark that I have saved from the old CT, I get Page Not Found!!!
This happens on both Firefox and Chrome browsers
Does this mean that all my carefully selected preferential information from CT, that was once at my finger tips, is lost in Cyber space???
Has anybody else had this failure??....
Yes. Same happens to me on Chrome and Safari.
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I had a bookmark to the main Discussions page that I had to edit. The problem now is that after logging in I have to navigate back to it as it doesn't return you to where you were. Poor implementation.
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Before any chastising takes place perhaps we should give it time for the teething problem to be sorted
I don't seem to be getting any e-mail notifications either, when I started this thread I clicked on Follow , but have not had any notifications of the replies.
Perhaps a mod could forward this to the necessary department, I would REPORT, but can't report my own post....