Instant Whip!!!!

I remember the times we used to go to France and take a lot of food stuffs with us. It was at the time when many of the foodstuffs we could get int the UK were just not available on the continent. Our kids used to like Instant Whip, so we would take packets of the stuff with us to France.
We even bought a small electric whisk for use in the caravan. I can remember my wife getting the instant whip ready as a pudding after one meal in Provence by using the electric whisk. Unfortunately the basin slipped from her hand and ended up on the extension lead. This was enough, not just to trip the electics in the van, but to trip the electrics of the whole section of the site. We sat and heard the groans, as it was tea time not only was it meal time, but the natural light was beginning to fade and people were relying on electric lights.
OK. I went up and owned up to tripping the electrics and the site owner came out to reset, and we were all fine. I took the extention lead to bits and cleaned everything thoroughly. My wife got another packet of instant whip out and we were ready to start again. We plugged in again and, true to form, all the lights went out again. The groans were this time accompanied by one or two French words which I had little difficulty in translating!!
After another visit to the site office, and lots of tut-tut's the electric was restored once more. We were not exactly flavour of the month. After that incident, we gradually went off the idea of instant whip and it eventually found it's way off our holiday menu. Whenever I go shopping and see any instant whip (or similar) I always thing of tripping the electric twice in 15 minutes at a site in Provence.
David - the date of the story isa guess, I'm afraid.