First Stage of 2012 Plan: Preparing for the Holiday Season

Yesterday saw my first trip to the farm where our caravan is stored. Upon arrival the van was in place and undamaged by the winter weather. After five months away from caravanning and out of practice, I wondered whether I could remember the sequence for the removal of the wheel jacks. However, after a few moments thought I was in to action: off with the hitch lock, lowered jockey wheel, off with wheel clamp, raise corner steadies, reversed car to tow hitch, lowered hitch on to ball (car to act as brake while removing jacks), removed wheel covers, placed a sheet of plastic on the ground to keep myself dry and clean, jacked up right hand side wheel and moved the jack, lowered the wheel to the ground leaving the bottle jack on the plastic sheet. Unfortunately the bottle jack leaked slightly onto the plastic sheet. Removed the plastic sheet and folded the oily side to the inside and followed the same routine on the left hand side. So far, so good. Applied handbrake raised hitch from tow ball and lowered the corner steadies. Raised jockey wheel, replaced hitch lock & cover, replaced wheel clamp. All finished. Quick inspection of the inside of the van there were no signs of moisture ingress or mould. Next I checked the tyre pressure and reinflated as required. All work completed, I replaced all tools and materials into the car…….. Disaster ….there was oil on the side of the plastic sheet I had been sitting on……. quick check of self I found that there was oil on the seat of my pants…. Question what does one do when ten miles from home with oily pants??????