A Toilet Tale!

DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,954
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edited March 2012 in Your stories #1

The date is a bit of a guess.

One of the site we used in Provence had no proper chemical disposal point.  Instead you had to use one of the hole in the floor loos that was put aside for the express purpose, and also double as a waste water disposal point.

Our son decided he was now old enough to help out a bit so set off to empty the waste water.  Unfortunately during the process he managed to dislodge the cap and ring from around the thread on the end of the wastemaster and, unfortunately it went down the hole of the toilet.  He was obviously so worried about being told off, he decided to take matters into his own hands - literally - and stuck his arm down the toilet in oder to retrieve the wastemaster cap.  He eventually found it and returned to the caravan to tell the tale.

What would you have done??  LOL.

The story was quickly retold that holiday several times, and one of our friends repeatedly used the phrase, ...'Let me shake your hand' - a phrase which was used frequently throughout the holiday, by a number of people, just to remind him of the incident.

These day we still love our caravanning, my wife, my youngest daughter and myself.  Our 27 year old daughter will also come and join us in the caravan whenever she is able.  Our son is now 25 and reckons he doesn't wish to set foot in a caravan again.  Has the incident scarred him for life? 

The worst thing is....., and I've never told him this,...... I had a spare wastemaster cap back at the van.  LOL. :-) :-)
