The Queen`s Jubilee Celebrations

June 2002 Low moor
We had parked the van, and were enjoying a cup of tea, the dogs secured on the grass outside, dozing in the sun next to a dustbin in which we kept wellies, leads and stuff.
It was then I noticed the chap opposite, (you know the type ,bit of a fuss pot, immaculate van, matching chairs etc) He was looking in our direction and I heard him chuntering about “living next to a gypsy encampment”. I thought , “That ’s a bit much”……..I said nothing.
Later that day neighbour commenced decorating his caravan with balloons, crepe paper garlands and streamers (red white and blue) hanging from the awning rain all around his van ,it looked a treat.
It looked a treat all afternoon: Then the wind got up…….. The balloons blew away ,bounced once or twice along the track, then exploded before neighbour could get to them . Then it started to rain. He went indoors to shelter and watch through his windows as the dye in his decorations merged . His van ended up camouflaged by soggy purple/khaki paper drapes festooned around his pride and joy and rivulets of brown striped every panel. When he came out to survey the damage I quickly pulled myself together and said how sorry we were to see all his efforts reduced to pulp.
………….. This time he said nothing.