Independant members needed for Regional Council

South West Region like all Regions is there to represent all members. Whilst each Centre has representation on the Council we need more representation from Independant members who are not in a Centre. More information below. You just need to reside in the Regional area, be a member of the Club, and be enthusiastic about what we do. Please contact the Regional Secretary Chris Palmer on 01934 614258, or myself through the Regional website below.
Should you not live in the South West Regions area and are interested why not contact the Region for your area and express your interest.
About us - The South West Region of The Caravan Club
The Caravan Club Limited has 10 Regions nationally and the South West Region is one of the largest. We have ten local Centres throughout our area. The most northerly is Gloucestershire, with Avon covering the Bristol area. Devon & Cornwall is the most westerly and we travel east through Somerset to West Dorset, East Dorset, Wiltshire, West Hampshire then into East Hampshire, our most easterly point, while across the Solent in the south is the Isle of Wight.
You may wonder about the reason for the Regions existence; what it does, who are its members and what is its function? The Constitution set up by the Caravan Club states that the objects of the Region shall be:-
1. To represent general matters of Club or Centre interest to the Club Council.
2. To provide a means whereby the Caravan Club interests of those Members living in the area may be fostered.
3. To provide a forum to discuss and solve local problems at Regional level.
The affairs and activities of the Region shall be controlled and managed by a Regional Council comprising:-
1. Chairman, Vice-chairman, Hon. Secretary, and Hon. Treasurer. They are elected annually at the Annual General Meeting of the
2. Two Delegates appointed by the Committee of each Centre within the Region.
3. Up to three co-opted Members, being current Club Members not registered with any Centre and deemed suitable by the Club
Executive Committee.
The Council meet regularly throughout the year with Members of the Executive Committee and Nominated Members living in the area in attendance. The Annual General Meeting is usually held in November and is open to all Members of the Caravan Club. The Region appoints the two Nominated Representatives who represent the Region at the Club Council.
This is a explanation of our Regional functions. Should you require any further information please contact me.
Martin Cullimore
Regional Chairman
South West Region