Search for the ideal motorhome

Motorhomist Forum Participant Posts: 29
edited July 2014 in Your stories #1

Last year I decided that a new motorhome was on my wish list, recently retired it would be a way to enjoy the extra leisure time along with my love of travel. Already the owner of an older motorhome I sold it within days via the CC listings and set off in search of the perfect replacement. After visiting every dealer within 100 miles I was no nearer to choosing a motorhome than when I started although I did know that for me another high top panel van conversion would be ideal finding a layout that felt just right was proving elusive. I wanted something that I could use on a daily basis, that would be able to fit into a parking space and speed down the narrowest lane - what could fit the bill better that a vehicle also used to deliver parcels?

Finding a panel van conversion was proving difficult, either bed too short for my 6 foot plus height (like my Trigano Tribute) or too cluttered inside for my liking. This along with the many stories of poor standards of manufacture and dealer service that abound on club together and on the internet in general sowed the seed of perhaps building my own. A trip to a local commercial dealer soon saw the offer of a massive discount from list price along with a choice of hundreds of options in vehicle specification. Once I had costed out the cost of components and materials for the conversion I realised there would be tens of thousands of pounds left over to spend on travelling.

Now with my new motorhome nearing completion, all components are fitted along with the cabinetwork ready for its final finish and I have been on a few overnight “shakedown” local trips. So far no nasty surprises, the only surprise to date is how much I have enjoyed the whole project. Getting back to some basic woodworking has been a real pleasure, selecting and installing the components has been simplicity itself. Masses of information and help on the internet and from suppliers, all of whom have supplied within 3 days (often next day) along with first class installation instructions have made fitting unfamiliar components straightforward. 

 The vans tool compartment contains all of the tools that I would need to repair or replace items and details of model numbers etc. This would give the option to have spares delivered to wherever I happen to be rather than cut short a trip.

 Converting a van into a motorhome has been a great hobby for the past few weeks and one that I will really miss, hope that using it will be just as much fun as creating my ideal motorhome has been.


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited July 2014 #2

    Smile It must be good to have something just as you want it! Hope you enjoy all your holiday plans too.