Grand European Tour With My Daughter and Granddaughter

cbc Forum Participant Posts: 1
edited August 2013 in Your stories #1


The adventure started just after wife of 38 years passed on with cancer after only 1 and half weeks in hospital, after the funeral I couldn’t face the awfulness of people not knowing what to say and me not knowing how to answer.

So I said to my daughter do you still have your tent and camping stuff? when she said of course I said right we are off camping around Europe.

Two days later my daughter granddaughter (who was 9 at the time) and myself set off on the adventure of a lifetime and it lasted until my money ran low which was five weeks touring through Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, and France.

Over the coming weeks I will post all about it and our latest just my granddaughter and I touring again for 4 weeks from which we have just returned.

Until then see you Arthur.


  • RowenaBCAMC
    RowenaBCAMC Forum Participant Posts: 1,732
    1,000 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited September 2013 #2

    Hello Arthur, What a wonderful idea and I bet your Granddaughter will have happy memories of the trip that will stay with her forever. I look forward to reading all about your adventure in the coming weeks and thank you so much for sharing on Club Together.