lesliechnt Forum Participant Posts: 2
edited June 2017 in Your stories #1

We have just left this site today 5th AUG 2013 HAVING SPENT 10 DAYS THERE DURRING BRUGHTON PRIDE WEEK.

The site is ideally sited for all the facilities Brighton and its Marina has to offer but is horendous to get in and out of. It took us half an hour to leave the site today at 11.55am. This is because the half a mile or so approach road to the site from the main road is always choke a block with parked cars, motorhomes vans etc which only just leaves enough roam for one way traffic. Today there were at least 6-8 vans trying to both get in and out of the site at the same time causing traffic grid lock and at least a mile long quew of traffic up on the main road with a lot of angry motorists.

I also hear there are plans a foot to build a car park off of this approach road for the local rugby/football club which will only add more traffic to already croaded approach road to this site.

I erge the CARAVAN CLUB to sort this out with the local council. If this approach road to the site is an adopted road it needs double yellow lines put along most of it to alow for two way traffic to the site.

Also there were some adverse comments in the site book people objecting to the fact there were a lot of GAY people staying on the site.

BRIGHTON PRIDE raises a lot of money for charity and is a major boast to the local economy and is a harmless event enjoyed by thousand of people both straight and gay. If you are one of those people who not like such things for what ever reason I sujest you stay away from Brighton durring BRIGHTON PRIDE week which is in AUGUST each year