Warning to all travelling through France

Colin Mossman
Colin Mossman Forum Participant Posts: 1
edited June 2017 in Your stories #1

Recently my wife and I drove to Germany though France (3rd,4th June) and had an unfortunate experience when driving though a toll booth. We believe it was around Metz on the E25-E50, when we had our rooftop aerial broken off and roof scored. Luckily we were driving through slowly and although we heard a noise we assumed it was a tyre rubbing the concrete plinth. We definitely did not go through the well marked 2mt restricted height booths as that would have taken the roof completely off, so something that is not clearly visible was to blame. We first noticed the damage on arriving at the site in Freiburg and also discovered that we were not alone. Coincidentally, another British traveller, who we met at our site, Mr John Haylock, also a Caravan Club member, had damage done to his roof light, travelling on the exact same route, at the toll booth. Neither of us are sure exactly which toll booth it was.So members be aware, when looking to see which toll to drive through, ie; cash or card, look also to see if there are any obstructions above.

Colin Mossman