12 oclock Rule

Dalmation Forum Participant Posts: 5
edited March 2013 in Your stories #1

I and 2 other friends decided to start our year of touring by visiting the Southport site, unfortunately all 3 units arrived 1 hour before the dreaded 12 oclk deadline. It was'nt long before we had been joined by another 6 units all stretching back along the approach road. Although there where plenty of pitches available on the site we were made to wait until exactly 12 on the dot before being allowed to book in. I completely understand that the site wardens have tasks to do around the site and really appreciate their efforts, and along with people vacating pitches sometimes has a bearing on waiting times, However when its obvious space is available why not allow people to set up on the pitch. I have in the past arrived at many sites before the 12 deadline but up until now never been made to queue off site.


  • gracesett
    gracesett Forum Participant Posts: 10
    edited March 2013 #2

    Chatsworth is also strict with the timing but this is not so surprising for the site in view of the access road. Luckily the road to Southport site is quiet and not a rat run but the route around the site is fairly dependent on exits before entries to avoid
    a snarl up. The morning coming and goings must be pretty busy for staff and I try not to arrive before the site time....but if the M6/1/whatever has been clear (rare but does happen) my journey time is less than expected and then I just hope the opening time
    is waved. If not I get a quick dog walk in while waiting.

  • Gene10
    Gene10 Forum Participant Posts: 20
    edited March 2013 #3

    You are a member of a club and clubs have rules to be adhered to by ALL its members.  Why should the rule be waived for YOU.

  • Gene10
    Gene10 Forum Participant Posts: 20
    edited March 2013 #4

    You are a member of a club which has rules to be adhered to. WHY should you have a rule waived.  Don't join again if you don't want to obey the rules!

  • Dalmation
    Dalmation Forum Participant Posts: 5
    edited March 2013 #5

    Just to put you straight Gene10''' im more than use to rules, having served in the forces for many years and like many if not all caravan club members I do adhere to them.. but there are times when those so called rules do make the club seem a bit like a
    prison reform, and quite rightly as you point out the choice is mine if I remain in the club or not I do not need reminding of it thanks.

  • Gene10
    Gene10 Forum Participant Posts: 20
    edited March 2013 #6

    oh dear, missed the point, nothing to do with your past profession, just wondered what makes you a special case. Agree some CC rules may seem unreasonable but they are well set out for all members to read and the "it doesn't apply to me" attitude is not
    fair on Club Wardens who have to tolerate these selfish members.

  • Gilera
    Gilera Club Member Posts: 13
    edited March 2013 #7

    I agree with the 12 o'clock rule which is not just to allow the wardens activity time but as has been stated approach roads to some sites are very restricted.I can immediately think of 4 sites where if you meet someone coming in early there is no option
    but for one to reverse.At the Black Knowl site the wardens will hold new arrivals at the top of the approach road then send you down when there is room at the reception area,very well organised.

  • HMVQueen
    HMVQueen Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited March 2013 #8

    Rules are there for a reason why do people think they know better. Wardens have jobs to do because of change over and access is a real problem. Ever tried reversing up a caravan and car in restricted space not easy. Whose going to reverse I think it should
    be the early arrivals. When CC make the rules they have to make rules that are for every site it would be a never ending task to make individual rules for each site.

  • CGFrank
    CGFrank Forum Participant Posts: 8
    edited March 2013 #9

    Personally we always try to arrive at the "stated  hour" Our feelings are that people who arrive early may just get the choice of a nicer pitch denying those who  arrive on time the same choice  .And we also strongly believe that people should clear their
    pitch by the stated hour and not be allowed to stay a few hours longer , again because this denys people arriving on time a choice of pitches. Also if people arrive early or leave late it does not give the hard working staff time for any maintenance work on
    the pitches or takes them away from their other duties whilst they are booking in early arrivals

    M and G Frank

  • charlie25
    charlie25 Forum Participant Posts: 100
    First Comment
    edited February 2016 #10

    What about people who arrive after 5pm , that means the wardens cannot finish work at a reasonable time.