A Well-used Motorhome

Hi all,
Responding to Rodney’s story about using your caravan to support activities and hobbies, we use our motorhome to support our pastime exhibiting classic motorcycles at steam rallies and vintage shows. We always exhibit at weekend shows so we need a base for camping.
It’s a great pastime as, once you’ve set camp in the camping field, you just relax and enjoy the show, taking in all the marvellous exhibits and displays. You won’t find any electric hook-ups here though, this is real “wild” camping, usually on a farmer’s field! The motorhome has an on-board generator (for emergencies), a 12V to 230V inverter, and a large, roof-mounted solar panel. This provides power for the LCD TV, DVD, VCR, and satellite system. It also has central heating, air conditioning, microwave oven, and a fridge/freezer larger than our one at home! There’s no such thing as “roughing it” in our language!
As the motorcycles were originally WD (War Department) we are able to exhibit at vintage military shows as well. This widens the range of interest considerably. Sometimes we are asked to assist fellow show-goers; last year we “baby-sat” a pre-1st World War Blackburne motorcycle in original, unrestored condition but fully road-legal, and a pair of 2nd World War trucks, a Ford and a Chevrolet.
The two biggest shows we attend are both world-famous. The War & Peace Show in Kent (just a few miles down the road for us) and the Great Dorset Steam Fair (the furthest we travel to exhibit). All this keeps us busy almost every weekend from Easter to October, which means that, unless we skip a couple of shows, we don’t get a holiday in the sun! Never mind, we compensate by going away for Christmas and New Year – in the motorhome of course! Last year saw us spend 12 nights atBalticWharfinBristol– lovely. So, despite being 16 years old, our motorhome doesn’t suffer from under-use and we love every minute of it.