A working trip for her, steam trains for me!

Back in 2007 I was made redundant/early retired but Sarah continued to work. Her work involved giving training courses on bereavement councelling and took her to several different areas all over the country. She would try to combine several courses in the same area over consecutive days, and either side of a weekend if possible. We would then get away in the caravan and enjoy the weekends together, and would find interesting things to see and do while she was giving her training course. This proved amenable to her work, as all she was claiming were campsite fees and meals (Mon to Fri only!!), and of course mileage!!!! All this worked out much cheaper than any hotels we may have booked into, and we much preferred it as well!
In 2008 Sarah managed to arrange what turned out to be a 10 day trip to the North Yorkshire Moors area so on 15th August while she was training in Malton, I went 'training' at Pickering Station! This is the southern terminus of one of the best steam railways in Britain (IMHO), the North Yorkshire Moors Railway (NYMR).
I watched the train arrive, and do 'run round' bit, and eventually left. I stayed in the station cafe for a coffee and bun while waiting for the next train to arrive. I personally jsut love the atmosphere of these preserved stations, especially when you can sit in a restored tea room!
I then went looking for a view - see second picture - which is somewhere to the west of Pickering looking down off the southern slope of the North Yorkshire Moors.
A few days later on the same trip we were staying at a campsite just outside Whitby and while Sarah was training in town I again went 'training' to watch the 'Steam Special' from the NYMR arrive and then depart a little later. A little unusual to see a Southern engine up in Whitby, but steam is steam!!
Great stuff Paladin, Like you, I have a passion for steam & whenever I suggest a suitable site, my Wifes response is usually " and which preserved railway is that site near to?" I have no idea why but maybe our next three bookings give her a clue.
Bridlington - North Yorkshire Moors!
Winchester - Mid Hants!
Ferry Meadows - Nene Valley!
I tell her it's mere coincidence but She has me sussed out now. (She actually enjoys being around them herself).