Thefts of Catalytic Convertors

Carl Forum Participant Posts: 1
edited October 2012 in Your stories #1

I have no problems but I get regular alerts from my local Police in North Nottinghamshire who keep telling me that we have some people stealing the Convertors from the more easily accessible vehicles, mostly 4x4s.  As a large number of people like us tow with 4x4s I have asked the Police to past on these warnings to you and the Camping and Caravan Club but thought I would write as well.  I am given to understand that people can have their Convertors marked so they are harder to sell and some have protection fitted round them but this all costs.  We ensure that our 4x4 is garaged every night but one of thefts was in the middle of the day in our local Tesco’s car park.  I am given to understand that this is rare but I feel everyone should be made aware of this.


  • peegeenine
    peegeenine Forum Participant Posts: 548
    edited October 2012 #2

    I have been a victim of this crime and a replacement catalytic convertor for my Fiat motorhome was £800. I have looked into the various prevention devices currently on the market and remain unconvinced by all of them. They will only delay the theft at best.
    I now remove my convertor after every trip and it only takes 5 minutes. A thief takes less time as they just cut them off with a chain cutter, silent too.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited October 2012 #3

    We have had problems in the southwest, motorhomes are particularly vulnerable. Thanks for the reminder.

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited October 2012 #4

    The Police arrested two lots of Pikeys outside Market Harborough the other week from a roadside check on the A6 . They were just checking vans and lorries. Opened the back of the vans these jokers were in and found stacks of the things.Batteries too. There
    had been a whole spate of thefts of CC's in the Harborough area. I would love to think this would put a stop to this despicable crime but I have my doubts!

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,197
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited October 2012 #5


    I think you would have been better posting this in the Tow Car and Motorhome sections of the forums rather than here.


  • golly79
    golly79 Forum Participant Posts: 205
    edited October 2012 #6

    Caravan guard recomends a steel rope (high tensile) unit that fixes to the exhaust and round the cat then fixes to the chasis  if memmory serves me its £250. thats why i dont have one .