Postcard from Lazise

chasncath Forum Participant Posts: 1,666
1000 Comments 250 Likes
edited October 2012 in Your stories #1

Lazise is a small town on the south-east shore of Lake Garda, between Peschiera and Bardolino. The old quarter  of Lazise is contained within its city walls and guard towers. It’s a popular holiday spot with two small harbours; a ferry pier; and countless restaurants and wine shops. The stylish promenade still has beds of petunias in full bloom, and the holiday season isn’t over yet and there are still lots of people out enjoying the October sun.

We’re at Campeggio Comunale, a compact site which is on the promenade just a few minutes’ walk from the town centre. The site is full, mainly with motorhomes – some of which are monster-size. We’re living ‘Cheek by Jowl’ , or should that be ‘Jawohl’ !

Next weekend, the ‘Honey Festival’ is being held in Lazise. This afternoon we cycled along the shore to Bardolino where preparations are underway for the ‘Olive and Wine Festival’ which starts on Thursday. We’ve been to both in the past, but not this year - tomorrow we start a slow retreat to Calais to sail on the 14th October.

Our photographs are a bit smudged this time (lens needed cleaning), but we hope you enjoy them anyway.

This will be our last Postcard – we started out with our first postcard from Alvor  in Portugal way back in March. We hope you’ve enjoyed them all.


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited October 2012 #2

    That's strange my neighbours are in Bardolino for a holiday, so now I can see the area where they are staying, looks lovely.Smile