Dougal's Dog Blog. Entry 1: Hello!

Dougal Forum Participant Posts: 60
edited February 2012 in Your stories #1

Hello everybody!

My name is Dougal and I'm a Jack Russell Terrier dog

The Human that I own (who is helping me to type this as my paws aren't so good with the keyboard) tells me that he's been caravanning since he was about my age (eight months old) so by my calculations that makes him about 103.

Me, I've only just started this touring lark. I wondered what on earth the Human was doing when he hooked up this tin can on wheels to the back of the car, but having been away in it I'm most impressed. It's warm, cosy, comfortable, and I get to go to loads of new places.

Apparently, a lot of dogs take their owners caravanning. My friends Ted and Sparky encouraged the Human that they own to take up touring ten years ago. Apparently they couldn't bear to send him off to foreign places and put him into storage in crass hotels while they lorded it up at a deluxe Canine Spa Resort (which I think I heard someone call 'kennels' once).

My Human tells me that he's visited many, many sites on the Caravan Club network but now that I've come along he's really excited to rediscover some of them and see more of the local area while I take him on walks.

Therefore I've decided to start a Dog Blog on Club Together, so I can tell other canine caravanners and motor caravanners all about the facilities laid on for us at various Club Sites. And talk about a few other issues along the way. I hope you like the pictures of me at the laptop in the caravan wearing my favourite 'I Love the Caravan Club' t-shirt.

The Human that I own wants to chip in already. He's telling me to tell you that the reason he loves staying at Caravan Club Sites is because they don't charge extra for dogs despite many laying on dog walks and providing red bins. You mean some non Club Sites charge for dogs? How very dare they.


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,862
    1,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited February 2012 #2

    Brilliant!  Why didn't I think of that.


  • CleyHolt
    CleyHolt Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited February 2012 #3

    Hi Dougal!

    Legs, my rescued Jack Russell, insisted I make contact with you after having read your blog.

    He is well impressed and wanted to make your acquaintance, being a widely travelled camper vanner!

    His most recent visit was to Incleboro Fields in East Runton which he said to tell you has some of the wickedest walks in the East - and he should know - we've travelled the width and breadth of the land as well as overseas! He also said to let you know
    that the fish & chip van is delicious!

    Here's wishing you much fun!

  • onionsfamily
    onionsfamily Forum Participant Posts: 8
    edited February 2012 #4

     Hi Dougal, a fellow Jack Russell, brilliant! My name's Tilly and I'm 11 months old. I too love going away in my basket on wheels. My favourite spot is at the front of the caravan, peering out of the window, watching out for anyone sneaking up to pinch my
    dinner! I love the freedom of the caravan, all the extra walks and the fact that I can jump onto Mum and Dad's bed when they fall asleep. Believe me Dougal, it beats the living daylights out of a cold basket. I love your photo Dougal, I'll ask my Mum or Dad
    to upload one of me.

  • CatLady
    CatLady Forum Participant Posts: 9
    edited April 2012 #5

    Hello Dougel, I am called a CAT although I act more like my terrier brother and sister, we all LOVE going away together with our humans.  I like to watch out of the window - birds and small furry creatures pull faces at me as I am not allowed out.  My needs
    are  catered for in the toilet department, and I have my own special place for dinner (on top of the hob, glass lid down of course)  I sleep on male humans feet all night, female fidgets too much.  We all agree that being so close to each other and our humans
    makes for a wonderful holiday.

  • Dougal
    Dougal Forum Participant Posts: 60
    edited April 2012 #6

    Hello CleyHolt and Legs!

    Thanks for your message, and sorry it took so long to reply. For a while we've not been able to see my first few posts...

    Thanks for the tip about Incleboro Fields. I shall make sure that the Human That I Own puts it on the itinerary. Hopefully we will get to meet on a doggie walk soon!


  • Dougal
    Dougal Forum Participant Posts: 60
    edited April 2012 #7

    Hello Tilly and CAT! Thanks for your messages. So pleased that you also manage to take the Humans that you own away in these funny little tin boxes too. It's such a brilliant life, isn't it?

    As for Tilly's Pole Position... oh yes, I have managed to train my Human to stack up cushions at the front of the Tin Can on Wheels so that I can relax in the sun and see out of the window too. It's great that we can train these humans, isn't it?

  • GeoffandTara
    GeoffandTara Forum Participant Posts: 9
    edited July 2012 #8

    Hi Dougal, lovely to hear about your adventures, myself Daisy a two year old staffordshire bull terrier, and my big  brother Stan, also a staffordshire bull terrier who is 9, are really enjoying caravanning with our humans, I am a bit of a live wire, and
    when they took me to Gilling West site in Richmond N Yorks, they left the van windows open whilst putting up the awning for shade for us, (it was a very rare hot weekend), and I jumped out of the caravan window to find out what was going on, inquisitive creature
    I am, luckily I didnt cause any damage to myself, or the caravan, i love being in the caravan, and me and Stan have the front end of each sofa so we can people watch. Our next trip is to whitewater CC site in a couple of weeks.

    Love Daisy and Stan Innocent