Baltic Byways 2011

DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,247
5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
edited February 2012 in Your stories #1

In early May 2011 we embarked on a two month journey which would take us along the Baltic coast of Germany from Lubeck in the west to Wolgast in the east near the Polish border. En route we stopped in Belgium overnight and then spent some time in Amsterdam before crossing Holland and entering Germany. When we had reached our furthest point north and east we headed south and stayed on the eastern side of Berlin, a fascinating City. From here we started to make our way back home via Magdeburg, Kassel, Eindhoven, Belgium and France.

It was a very interesting trip which allowed us to visit many places I suspect are not on the usual British caravanners list of places to visit. Because we are retired and have time this does perhaps give us a greater freedom to undertake such trips. I have written a Blog about our trip and rather than pasting the text here I have taken the liberty of adding the website link so that readers can follow our trip in detail and see the many photographs I have added to the Blog. All the campsites we visited have links to reviews with photos of the individual campsites which might be useful for anyone thinking of following in our footsteps. The link is here and all small photos can be clicked on for a larger image.
