The simple things we love about caravanning - Joss & Caroline

Joss Ash
Forum Participant Posts: 9
So we have been travelling around in our Adria Thames a fair bit the last few months, and we want to share what we like the most about our trips.
1. Waking up in the morning, putting the kettle on, knowing the day will be a relaxing one.
2. The opportunity to travel everywhere in the UK whilst having your comforts with you. The refreshing change of scenery, and the never ending adventure
3. Having with you nothing more than what you need, gives you a feeling of simplicity and calm.
4. New people, fresh conversations and the ever present optimism in the air.
5. Quiet evenings drinking wine and looking at the stars through our panoramic window.
A big thank you to the friendly staff at the caravan club sites, you guys always offer a helping hand, and you make our stay very pleasant.
Joss & Caroline