National Play Day

The Meek Family
Forum Participant Posts: 336
Playday is a national day dedicated to play! It is held on the first Wednesday of August every year, which happened to be 5th August this year. The Caravan Club celebrate the day by hosting events run by wardens at a range of different sites around the UK. We attended the one at the New Forest Centenary site.
Between 1.30 and 4.30 the wardens, as well as some local companies, put on a selection activities from soak the warden, bat the rat, limbo, blindfolded assault course, space hoppers race, goal scoring and tin can alley. As well as this traditional mixture of fun stalls there was also an inflatable slide, craft stand, cake stall and an entertainer making balloon models. The activities were mainly aimed at younger children but the challenge of making a model caravan appealed to the creative, competitive older children and parents. This was one of the 100 tasks that we had to do last year to win our caravan, one that we took very seriously and spent an afternoon creating, whilst staying in Rosedale Abbey. Amy was keen to have another go and not long after arriving sat down to create her own model. She sat there for over an hour, bending, cutting and sticking cardboard into a shape that resembled a caravan with suitably positioned windows and wheels. The piece de resistance (and what won her the first prize) was the addition of a mini aqua roll, waste water tank, toilet tank and awning!
The weather threatened to rain and even attempted to a couple of times but that didn't deter a good turn out for the event. New Forest Centenary site offer similar afternoons on other days during the summer as well.