Trouble abroad.

john1938 Forum Participant Posts: 1
edited August 2015 in Your stories #1

The Caravan Club, 

A problem I had recently, perhaps other members would like to know. 

Returning from a holiday in Spain, last February, a Spanish car ran into the rear and seriously damaged my car. 

Fortunately we were able to continue home on the ferry. 

After arriving home I notified AVIVA, my insurers, they had the car collected and after seventeen days it was returned.  I was very happy with the repair. 

I had not paid for a replacement car on my policy, so I had to rent one myself.  This finished at almost £ 800.00. for full cover and an automatic car, to replace my car. 

After four months my excess was repaid, and I was still waiting for the cost of rental to be reimbursed.  AVIVA had a firm of solicitors acting on my behalf,for which I had paid an increased premium.  

From the outset I kept a log of time, making phone calls, posting numerous forms and photos, collecting the rental car, returning it and many phone calls to chase my outstanding money.  At least 10 hours in all. 

Eventually after five months, I was told no uninsured expenses were recoverable in Spain France & Italy.  I was basically told go away and stop being a nuisance. 

Paying extra for legal cover doesn’t mean you will get what you deserve. 

We haven’t been able to find out if the third party was prosecuted for dangerous driving, using a phone or simply driving without due care and attention. 

Should I just grin and bear it?


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,196
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited August 2015 #2


    I think you will get more comments and advice if you post this in the discussion area.
