Are you experienced?

Now I know the 85% “rule” is a guide and not a law. Most interpretations I have seen recommend keeping the MTPLM at or below 85% of the towing cars curb weight, as long as that’s still below the stated towing capabilities of the car, especially if the driver
is an inexperienced tower.
Now, what makes you experienced?
Driver 1. I have been towing for 5 years so I must be experienced! But he (or her) has only towed twice a year to a site 10 miles away!
Driver 2. I have towed 15 times a year for the past 5 years so I must be experienced! But he has only ever been to 2 sites so has only used the same familiar roads!
Driver 3. I have towed 8000 miles in 5 years to different sites so I must be experienced. But 7500 of those miles were on motorway where towing is easy compared to driving through towns and villages!
When do you consider a towing driver is experienced?