A nice clean van.

Whittakerr Club Member Posts: 3,486
1000 Comments Photogenic
edited July 2013 in Caravans #1

We all like a clean van, but not many people like washing them. Where I store my van the back is just under a row of conifers so the roof gets a lot of bits from the trees. I do two things to try and keep the van as clean as possible while its being stored,
first I lower the front as much as possible, it takes a few minuets to do but it means that most of the rain and dirt runs off the front, which is quite easy to clean and normally gets a quick wipe down after a trip to get the bulk of the road dirt and bugs

The second thing I have found help keep the walls clean is using strips of awing tape in the awning rails. This seems to help deflect the dirty rain water away from the walls. I have certainly noticed a big difference since I have started doing Hess two quick

What do you do to keep your van clean in between washes?