Gas Consumption when off EHU

Having had several trips this season using a solar panel and a refillable gas cylinder I have worked out a typical gas consumption of just over 3 litres per day or nearly £2. This has been in very cold weather with a few nights well under freezing. In fact on 28 April it was minus 5c and the Aqua roll had iced inside. The caravan is a t/a with the Alde wet system and has a large fidge/freezer so I would expect consumption to be heavier than some caravans. A refillable gas system costs about £150 but as the CLs were between £5 and £8 the savings start to justify the outlay. Those with EHUs seem to now be at least £12 - £14 However do the savings stack up if you use Calorlite which is currently between 3 to 4 times the price of LPG - ie Calorlite is £2 per litre whilst LPG is 63 pence. My £2 per night for LPG would be about £7 if using Calor. My conclusion is that for refillable users there are savings all year round but if you are a Calorlite etc user, adding the gas to the basic CL price comes to the same cost as being on an EHU. The big gas consumer is the heating so a Calor user could make savings but only in the warmer months.