Is solar power the answer
I have being toying with the idea of changing from Calorlite to Safefill and also investing in a 120watt solar panel. The prime reason is not cost saving but to visit sites without having to book much in advance. The easiest to book are CLs, especially those without EHUs. I reckon the cost of setting up a decent solar panel will be aproaching £300 and a Safefill cylinder is £150. Thats a fair outlay - is it worth it? I next checked the current average price of a CL without EHU and they average £5. With EHU they immediately jump to £10- £12. Obviously they need a return on installation costs. The saving is even greater when comparing a £5 CL against a main site at about £24. Obviously the latter have a number of additional facilities but at triple to quadruple the cost (you will have more gas to pay for on the CL). One thing that is apparent is that the real saving comes from a solar panel, there is much less from changing from Calor.
The greatest pleasure of the CL is their quiet simplicity and a bit more freedom to site your van when not tethered to an EHU