Fewer m/home belted seats than berths? Daft!

Spriddler Forum Participant Posts: 646
edited March 2013 in Motorhomes #1

Looking around I was disappointed that many (most, even) m/homes have fewer belted seats than the number of berths.

When I questioned manufacturers they said that it was common practice and allows for others to travel in a separate vehicle or in unbelted seats (in U.K. only if the m/home was registered pre- 2006). How daft is that? We want to chat en route, discuss stopping places, views, points of interest etc., etc. And we don't want to pay for two vehicles on the ferry, camp sites etc. 

No good for two of us plus 2 friends travelling mostly in France where I understand ALL  occupants must be belted.

I realise that belted seats must be forward or rear facing (not sideways) which limits the internal layout to e.g. a dinette arrangement.I never put to sea in my yacht with 5 crew and only 3 lifejacketsInnocent

Or am I misinformed?