Special Events taking place near a CL in 2015

I thought it might be interesting if our CL owners let us know about any special events taking place near their CLs ? Please tell us what exciting things are planned for 2015? I know about this one taking place near Lyons Farm, Liverpool:-
Cunard historic event - three Queens meeting on the Mersey - Queen Mary 2, Queen Elizabeth and Queen Victoria
Spring Bank holiday weekend May 24 and 25 2015 the three Cunard Queen ships are visiting Liverpool to celebrate 175 years since their first transatlantic crossing. This should be a great spetacle at the famous waterfront. Transport from Lyons Farm CL into
Liverpool is very easy on the local train which takes 20 minutes to the Centre of Liverpool and the free park and ride is just 6 minutes away from the site.
So CL owners let us know of any other special events which you think our members might be interested in knowing about
thanks Sandie