
Just noticed "Club Together" so here I am. Good to see the club does take notice of its members requests. Some may notice I am not new to forums.
We are in our 23rd year of caravanning and club membership and have previously owned a couple of caravans before moving to a motorhome 10 years ago.
Hope I find "Club Together" as enjoyable and useful as other forums.
Whatever happened to PD?🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Still around TW, unlike those that have fallen by the wayside for what every reason. Obviously with the passing years I am a little older and have to say not quite as enthusiastic with the Club and CT as 12 years ago but still pleased to note the Club does in my view listen to members when they observe there is a majority call for change even if that change is painfully slow.
Not quite sure how or why you dragged up this old post. Only a few days ago I was looking for some old threads from saved links and thought post going back that far had been removed?
Happy New Year.
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The thread rose to the surface because Nellie liked your post last night, PD. I think he was trawling through old stuff.
Yes, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since 2012 and we’ve witnessed some fairly radical changes along the way. Some good and some not so good.
Happy New Year 🎉
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I know introductory posts take a while to get approval but this is ridiculous.
Well done for waiting so long Peedee and welcome to the forum. I think you'll find it to be in its "rocking chair state" as opposed to its "let's have an argument in the bar" state of 11 years ago.
Don't you just love this website?
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Peedee, I was trying to find the earliest relevant post on the current version of CT. Sorry if it has dragged up old memories.
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I think DK has attempted to answer your question in the "How to us Club Together" section under "Old Post". It doesn't really explain the reason but it helps to paint the picture of how CT has largely been put into the back burner for upgrades by those at HO.
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PD, you’ve liked your own OP and bumped it up in latest activity.
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Mmm 😎
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I assume that means your were testing your theory as posted in another thread today about a possible club ploy? As you posted (in italics) and here
To me(in your reply to NTH who posted "This could well be because a member has liked an old post, which then brings it up to the top of the pile, as it were!")
that rather defeats the object of the page of "Latest Activity" which in my view should relate to new posts. Are you sure it is not a Club ploy to try to rejuvenate a flagging forum by bringing some old topics to the fore?
So I guess you've found out it is not a club ploy as you've done it yourself
But no it's not, people do actually re-like old threads for whatever reason.