Wind out Awning storm tie downs

I have seen at least three ways of anchoring down a wind out awning in strong winds, there are probably more. There is the type that one end of the tie down fits into the awning rail that some have but it always strikes me as not being very secure and liable to pull out. I have certainly had an awning blow out of the end of a rail and to start to peel back so what is there to stop this type of tie pulling out? Has it ever happened to anyone?
I have an awning strap which used to go right over the top of my caravan awning and I have seen this used in a similar fashion with a wind out awning. Apart form looking unsightly, it seems to put a great deal of strain on the canvas edges of the wind out awning. My solution is to thread the strap underneath the canvas and over the wind out arms and peg out at an angle which puts tension not only downward but outwards too to stop the canvas moving inwards in gusts.
So how do you do it or what in your view is best other than not to bother with a tie down but to wind the awning in when strong winds prevail.