Free Sat Nav Software

peedee Club Member Posts: 9,504
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I pointed out in another thread where to get free sat nav software I said,

"Will  >>>this<<< do you? You can also get the free software to run on Notebooks and PDAs >>>here<<<"

I have been running their paid for software for 3 years now. Currently I run Navigator 11 for Europe, the truck version on a PDA. a netbook and my desktop and have had no problems with it. I have never looked a the free stuff so  I thought I would have a closer look at the some of the above not expecting it to be anything like what I paid for. I downloaded the free app for my Android phone and I am very pleasantly surprised. Its pretty good and has all the navigation functionality to be found on the paid for software with plenty of POIs

 In my view its worth a look at and I shall keep the app on my HTC phone to use when out and about on foot. and as backup for my main system.
