The most irritating man on TV?

Do any of you watch Countdown? Does anyone else think Nick Hewer has become the most irritating man on TV (OK, politicians, Russell Brand and Jeremy Kyle excepted!)? His introduction of the guests borders on the sycophantic - over the past three weeks we've had "the geat John Inverdale", "the great Helen Skelton" (aka "the wonderful Helen Skelton") and even this week "the great Matt Alright"! He repeats the answers to the tea-time teasers two or three tmes as if we're all complete simpletons and poor old Susie Dent must cringe every time he invites her to give her "origins of words" talk. As for poor old Rachel, does she really understand what he's asking her about at the start of the programme half the time?
Makes you yearn for the days of "the great" Richard Whiteley! (all IMHO!)